

Both Todoroki and Shoji leaped forward even though they knew there was no way they would make it in time, but then a laser shot out from a bush, revealing Aoyama.
His attack hit the villain in the face, causing his mask to break, and so the marbles went flying.

Todoroki and Shoji still had a chance.

Shoji grabbed a hold of one of the marbles and then fell to the ground, and Todoroki was so close to grabbing the other, but then another figure appeared out of the gate and grabbed it before him.

Todoroki's eyes widened and then smiled. "Midoriya!"

He thought he was there for them. To help them, but the look in his eyes wasn't right.

Todoroki fell to the ground, and then it was silent.

"Oh, didn't expect you to come here, weren't you supposed to stay away from the battles?" Dabi asked the newcomer.


"What are you...what are you doing? C'mon, hand the marble over"

Izuku's head was lowered.
He didn't dare look his friends in the eyes.
"I'm really sorry..."

"What? No..."

"So sorry..."

Suddenly Tokoyami emerged from the marble shoji had caught, which meant...they had Katsuki, and then, quicker than they could do or say anymore the gate closed and the 3 teenagers were left in the clearing all alone.

"What just happened? That was Midoriya!" Tokoyami was disoriented, having no memories of being trapped inside the marble. It was like he had been sleeping.

'All students!'
The 3 flinched as Mandalay's voice ring through their head.
'Be wary of a student named izuku Midoriya, intel would lead us to believe that he knows these villains and might be in tow with them. Everyone...be careful!'

Shoji hit the ground, his strength causing it to crack.

They had so wished that izuku would arrive because he was a strategist and they were sure that he'd be of great help, but then he showed up, only to quench what little hope they had.

Their fellow classmate and friend was a villain.


The attack was over and emergency services had finally arrived to take care of injured and poisoned students.

Todoroki, Shoji, Tokoyami, and Aoyama saw multiple of their classmates be put into ambulances as they stepped out of the forest.

They had seemingly been the last students to be found because they had cut through the forest instead of taking the trail, not truly sure if there were more villains ready to attack.

Aizawa ran up to them.
"You 4!"
He looked like the average worried teacher, but when he didn't see Izuku with them, the last of his students missing his words got stuck in his throat.
Had he been right?
"Midoriya? Do you know where he is?"

The students didn't seem like themselves, obviously, they shouldn't after such an attack, but still, Aizawa sensed a dread and anger building up in them when he asked them about their missing classmate.

"With the league of villians"

Aizawa turned quiet as well.
That was it then...for one reason or another he had failed as a teacher, letting his student go down this path.
He should have seen the signs.
"Okay...you're injured, go to the medics" Aizawa pointed behind him to the nearest ambulance while he kept standing in the same spot, looking at the forest that had just become a place of nightmares to his students.

What could he have done to make this day have a different outcome?


In the bar that was the league of villains' hideout the warp gate appeared and they all walked out, Izuku still holding onto the marble.

"Now, hand it over," Dabi told the boy as he extended one hand, using the other to hold the unconscious Mr, compress who had been knocked unconscious from the laser to the face.


"What?" Izuku snapped as he looked up, in front of him were the two leaders of the league, Shigaraki, and of course Izuku's father.         

"Why are you injured?" Hisashi asked, his voice strained with worry.
He had thought his plan would be perfect, that Izuku wouldn't even get a scratch, yet here he was, dripping blood on the hardwood floor and limping.

Who had done that to his son?

Instead of answering Izuku stepped forward and grabbed his dad by the shirt and then looked up at him with wild eyes.

Izuku was still in shock, and it was evident.

"You told me nobody would die! You promise me! Yet...yet I had to save a five-year-old kid from getting murdered! This wasn't the deal!!" Izuku shouted as everyone else in the room remained silent, not wanting to get in between this son and father.
"Tell me, did you lie to me?! Am I just a pawn to get to UA!? Do my wishes mean nothing to you!?"

Hisashi calmly removed his son's bloodied hands from him.
"Izuku, take it easy now"

"Answer me!! Answer me right now!" Izuku fought against his fathers hold on his hands, With one last shout a vase on the bar smashed against the wall, and Hisashi was immediately able to take notice that Izuku had grown more into his quirk, he could feel it, it was stronger, but that would assumably mean that he was beginning to use it without even realizing it.

"Of course your wishes mean something to me, I'm partially doing this for you, remember that, son, but I don't mind control these people, whatever happens out there is up to them, not me"

Izuku stilled.

He knew his father was right, what Muscular had done had been his own decision, but he was so angry that he needed to put it all on his father.

He needed to blame someone.

"Go see Dr, Garaki for those injuries, we'll talk afterward"

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