Chapter 4

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When nighttime came the heroes had prepared what they called a super awesome test of courage, which was basically like a haunted forest they had to walk through in a big circle to get scared by the students of the other class, class 1-B.

Everyone was excited and ran around, showing that they could barely wait, but izuku had been devious.
He asked his father to commence the attack during a test of courage, because at least then his friends would be away from the camp and wouldn't throw themselves headfirst into the battle that was about to begin.

However, izuku hadn't taken account of the fact that Katsuki left to do the test before the attack, meaning they would be fighting in the forest, still, izuku hoped that it would be fine.
So even when he saw smoke in the distance, and his legs began to shake with worry and anticipation he let himself believe that things would be fine.

"Where's Kota!?"

izuku spun around to see Mandalay, her face filled with worry.

Izuku's eyes widened as he looked towards the tree lines that led to the boy's hiding spot. It was already late, so late that izuku had thought that he would have gone home and been asleep, but if he wasn't...

He had to go get him.

He didn't need to see what was about to happen, so without a second thought, he set into a sprint, making the mistake of telling nobody where he was going.
He ran as fast as his two legs could carry him and when he saw the cliff he shouted.
"Kota, come here! It's dangerous out here!"


Izuku's eyes widened as he caught sight of the huge man standing with Kota held off of the ground, being held by the front of his shirt.

"Let go of him!" Izuku shouted.

He knew the man as Muscular.

He had never met him but his father had told him about everyone that would help carry this mission out, and this brute of a man with a quirk to match was one of them.

"Huh? Oh, it's the Boss's kid..." muscular caught sight of izuku and spilled the secret like it was nothing.

It made izuku stumble back as if he'd been hit.
'It will be out today anyway, so what does it matter?...'

Izuku looked up with a fire in his eyes.
"I told you to let go of him!" He shouted and then used his quirk to pull the child towards him and affectively ripping him from the villain's grip.

"Oh?...there might be something you don't understand kid, but nobody tells me what to do"

"Then why are you here?!"

"Why? HA! Because it'll allow me to get a few kills in. I'm here because I want to"

"You're not allowed to kill anyone here!"

The villain cracked his neck and then took his eye out to replace it with another more menacing-looking one.
"I don't care if you're the Boss's son, ill need to teach you a lesson, and after you ill kill that boy like I did his parents"

Izuku's eyes widened and looked to see Kota frozen in fear.
There was no doubt that he recognized the villain.

"Kota, it'll be fine...I'm gonna protect you"

"Protect him? You're just a villain"

"No!" Izuku shouted and then use his quirk on the man pushing him into the cliffside and kept on pushing, hoping to crush him.
"Until the end of today, I'm still Deku, the hero in training!"

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