Chapter 5

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Kota felt selfish for running away after all that that man had just done for him.

He had saved him, even though he didn't know him at all. They had only just met so why was he willing to risk his life for him?

Kota finally understood the words Mandalay had told once, that one day he would meet someone that would change his mind, someone that would be his hero.

Kota refused to not do anything for him in return, that's why, as he cried and panted from running he searched, not for safety but for someone to help.

For someone...a hero, that could save izuku.
He didn't know if he was already dead, or if he had won, but no matter what had happened Kota would find help.

It felt like hours that the panicking boy ran, but eventually, he ran into a tall figure dressed in all black, and for just a moment Kota thought it was another villain and let out a scream as he fell to the ground.

"Easy" the voice spoke calmly, and when Kota looked up again he recognized the man as the teacher of the hero class, Aizawa.

He was a hero.
He could help.

"You're Kota, what are you-"

"Please! have to save Mr. Deku! H-he...he fought a villain to protect them and now...I don't know if he's dead or alive! Please save him!" The boy screamed, almost incoherently as he sobbed, but Aizawa understood and he felt a tightness in his throat.

"Where is he?"

"U-up on the cliff" Kota pointed in the general direction of the cliff, but Aizawa didn't have knowledge of the surrounding area, nor could he leave the child alone in a forest roaming with villains.

"Lead me there"

Aizawa had no idea what he would stumble upon up there.
A boasting villain, and the dead body of one of his most promising students? That was his greatest fear.

A million possibilities ran through the hero's mind, but what he saw when he arrived was not one of them.

On the ground was a beaten and bloody villain.
Scattered rocks and cracks in the cliffside spoke of a great battle, and there on the edge was a pool of blood.

"He...he was right there!" Kota pointed to the pool of blood.

But there was no Izuku. Only the villain remained on the cliff with no sign of what had happened to Izuku Midoriya.

Even Aizawa that was normally the level-headed one began to panic.
"What in the world is going on?"

Not only did the signs point to a battle more powerful that izuku could fight, but in the case that he had then he should have fainted and would still be laying here.

Had he perhaps been taken by villains? But why not take their ally?

Nothing made sense.


Elsewhere in the forest Todoroki, Shoji, Tokoyami, and Katsuki were standing together.

They had been able to beat an answer out of one of the villains. They were after Katsuki. What for they didn't know, but it had t be sinister, and they had no intentions of letting their friend be taken.

"I don't need your protection, you extras!" Katsuki yelled, but it went on deaf ears as the others tried to strategize on how to quickly and safely get back to camp.

Villians were roaming everywhere, and sections of the forest were still ablaze, in other words, no matter what they did going through the forest with the villains' target no less, would be dangerous.

No choice (discontinued)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat