"Pathetic? No Darling. Hilarious actually." He stepped towards me grabbing me bridal style off the bed, "However, if my Lady wishes I shall join her?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me as he made his way to the bathroom, placing me down gently on the edge of the bath.

He put the plug in, turning the hot water on. As the water fell from the faucet he conjured up some different herbs and salts before my very eyes, adding them to it. Soon the room was filled with beautiful aromatic smells that I couldn't help but inhale.

While he was lost in preparing the bath I stood up, slipping off my dress and underwear, kicking them to the side. I walked up behind him and slipped my arms around his waist, undoing the buttons on his tunic and sliding my hands along his cool stomach. His muscles flexed under my touch and I couldn't help but smile as I moved my hands to slip it free from his shoulders.

He turned to face me, drinking in the sight of me standing naked before him. I reached forwards and untied his trousers before pushing them gently down off his hips, as they fell to the floor he moved out of them.

His hand cupped my chin, tipping my head back so he could kiss me feverishly, I couldn't help but take a step closer to him, pressing our bodies together. I just wanted to be close to him. I felt safe with him. I felt at home.

He broke the kiss, looking down at me with gentle eyes, "Come on before it gets cold." He proceeded to step into the sunken bath holding out his hand for me to take, taking it I stepped in with him.

He sat down spreading his legs so I could place myself between them, once seated he pulled me back into his chest and we let the warmth of the bath engulf us both.

We sat there lost in each other's company, as he traced patterns over my thighs.


"Hmm Darling?" He sounded lost in thought.

"Are...are you scared?" I felt my heart begin to hammer in my chest.

He sighed, leaning in to rest his face against the back of my hair. It seemed as if he was mulling over something.

Finally he answered, "Absolutely terrified."

My stomach dropped. Loki was a powerful God. Gods shouldn't be terrified of anything.

I swallowed hard, "Glad I'm not the only one..."

"I'm not terrified of the battle My Love, not at all. I've faced many horrific battles over the years, my scars are proof of that. I'm terrified of losing you...again."

"Lokes..." I turned my body around to face him, nestling myself on my knees between his legs. "No matter what happens..." I placed my hand on his heart, "You will never have lost me. I will always be right here. In your heart."

"Don't talk like that Darling please." His voice began to break as he lifted his head to look at me, "I can't...I can't go through it again. Not when we have our whole lives ahead of us. There's so much I wanted us to do." Tears began to spill from his eyes, his arms snaking around me to pull me close to him. I kissed his cheeks gently, wrapping my arms around his neck and playing with his hair, trying to calm him down.

"Like what?" I asked, curious to hear what he had planned.

He let out a little laugh, "I want us to go home, finish what we started in your kitchen that night for starters." I rolled my eyes, shaking my head at him with a smirk on my face. "Then," he continued. "I wanted us to ride out on the horses together. I want us to go see your Mother again. Then....then I wanted to take you to see each of the Nine Realms. I want...." He paused, looking me in the eyes.

Somewhere Along the Way...To AsgardWhere stories live. Discover now