Is She Your Mate...

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With a thud, Thor landed back on Asgardian turf entering back through the Bifrost with a large man following suit.


He was the epitome of bloodshed and war. His bare arms laced with rough scar tissue from the many battles he had encountered. His right hand missing. Severed at the wrist.

Not only was he a great warrior, fearing no man nor beast, he was also wise and had much say in the justice of Asgard when sought for by Odin.

He towered above Thor, as they made the long walk along the Bifrost towards the Palace. Chattering among themselves, the journey seemed much shorter but as they approached the Palace, Tyr pointed in front of him.

"There is a body. On the steps. Look." His voice was deep, and rumbled through the air.

Thor squinted his eyes, looking where Tyr was pointing. He could see the silhouette of someone lying upon the steps, not moving.

Hastily he made his way towards the body, taking the steps two at a time. As he reached down to brush the hair from their face, he inhaled sharply.

"Little One! Little One can you hear me?" There was no reply. Gently he pressed two fingers to her neck, there was a pulse. "Thank Odin."

"Little One?" Tyr let the name roll over his tongue, "What a strange name?"

"That's not her actual name, it's what they call a nickname." Thor said as he scooped her limp body into his arms.

"Is she your mate?" He scoffed as he watched Thor holding her protectively.

"No, she is Loki's soulmate, and something tells me he does not know of her being here. Which worries me greatly." he paused, looking back at Tyr, "Now come along I need to bring her to Mother."


I could hear voices, shouting and quarrelling amongst each other as I started to come back to my senses again.

"What do you mean you just found her there?"

"Brother as we reached the palace her body was on the steps!"

"Well who put her there? How did she get here? Heimdall! Did she call for him and he brought her here. I will kill him with my own bare hands!"

"I shall help!"

"NO! Will you all please calm down! Loki you are not killing Heimdall. Tyr stop encouraging him!"

"Well someone has done something to her Mother and I DEMAND TO KNOW WHO!"

I started to gain consciousness, groaning as I tried to push my upper body to sit upright. As I did my head began to spin. "Ow that hurts." I rubbed the back of my head.

"AH! SHE LIVES!" A giant of a man waved his arms out at either side of him in front of me, I blinked a few times. He was missing a hand.

"Where the hell am I? Who are you?"

I felt my body being attacked as Loki lunged at me, pulling me into him, "Darling! Thank the Nine Realms you are ok, we thought you were dead!" He mumbled into my hair, before kissing my face.

Patting his arm I reassured him, "Definitely not dead, just a giant lump on the back of my head and a batshit crazy Mother." His body retracted away from mine.

Somewhere Along the Way...To AsgardWhere stories live. Discover now