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20th November

Me and Dream became closer i think. We talked to each other all day. Since a month. It wasnt getting bored. I always had new stories to tell and if i didnt had one then he had.

Dream was a fun guy to chill with or just talk.

Like everyday i was in a vc with him.

Y/N:"Hola mi amigo"

Dream:"Your getting spanish huh? A Quackity Fan now. Not anymore one of mine"

Y/N:"Sry for betraying you hun"

We both laughed. Sometimes i called him "Hun" or "Darling" as a joke. He also did that.

We also vented to each other (No among us jokes those are annoying in this situation). I had often bad days. He was always there for me. Also me for him. But Dream or Clay seemed stronger then me.

And yes i struggle with calling him Clay. He told me its okay but idk i keep calling him Dream. I mean its also okay so i do nothing wrong duh.

I rlly thought that we also gonna have a good relationship in the future but this changed on the

26th November

We didnt talked to each other since 3 days. I asked him twice and he only ghosted me. I got kicked out of the manhunt group and i was so confused whats going on.

We didnt had a fight nothing. It was all normal since then. I couldnt figure out what ive done wrong.

Those days were bad for me. I kept looking what ive done wrong and couldnt find anything. Was it the way i speak? Did i said something 'bad'?

27th November.

I searched so long for mistakes in streams or something until i thought:" What if it didnt even was my fault?"

I made an new acc on twitch and Twitter to see what he has posted.

Thats how i found out that it wasnt my fault. Jul better known as LineJu(i just typed something random sry) also told Dream lies about me.

She told probably something like i would use him and im racist and homophobic.

The problem: I dont know how to show him that she is a liar.

It was pretty difficult. LineJu was so good in manipulating people. Her Accounts were clean. No treaths no hate. She was attractive and had a good humour. And a good image.

Literally noone ever said something bad about her. I didnt did either cuz why would i? I thought that im never gonna meet her again so...

28th November

I had no clue anymore. The only thing i didnt tried is to contact sapnap. I rarely spoke to him but he seems rlly cool. Maybe i can get him to talk to me?

Y/U: Uhm hey Sapnap! I know its kinda weird that i text you but can i talk to you for a sec?

Sapnap: Not right now sorry

He also believes her? Fuck...What do i do now? I lost my friends. Only because of that bitch. I hate her so much

5th December

I didnt streamed since 12 days. I didnt tweeted something or anything else. Ofc my follower were worried about me. So i tweeted something

Sorry for being inactive it has personal reasons and i gotta come back when i feel better, love yall and have a great day

That was pain to write. My mental health was like: Its going downn(I listened to the song "Timber" this is why im writing this)


Istg(i swear to god) this is so much pain to write. Well have a nice day

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