Repaired Relationships & Heartfelt Thank Yous

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"Could I? Jeonggukkie won't care?" Mrs. Jeon asked excitedly.

"He said you can't visit with her until he is home but that I could show you pictures if you wanted to see them," Lyssah replied.

"Then, yes. I would love to see some pictures." Mrs. Jeon said with a smile.

Lyssah showed her all the pictures she had of Minah on her phone. Some had Jeongguk in them and some had her other children in them. Mrs. Jeon smiled and cooed over every picture. She couldn't believe how much Minah looked like Jeongguk when he was a baby. They talked for quite a while about how Jeongguk was as a baby and how similar Minah was to him. All in all, it was a good visit. Mrs. Jeon gave Lyssah her phone number and told her to call if she had questions of any kind regarding her family health history.

When he finally had some free time Jeongguk met with his mother. She apologized to him as well and told him how proud she was of him. They talked for a couple of hours before parting ways, agreeing to meet again soon so she could meet Minah. Lyssah felt better knowing Jeongguk and his mother had repaired their relationship. She wished for Taehyung to be able to do the same with his parents but they hadn't reached out to him and he was still too hurt to reach out to them first.

BTS finished recording In the Soop and was starting to work on a new song they were going to record (Dynamite). They also had to record the music video. They worked long exhausting days and came home late, only to leave fairly early the following morning. It did cut into Taehyung and Jeongguk's time with Lyssah and the twins but they knew it would be worth it when ARMY heard the new song.

The bonus of dating members of BTS was that Lyssah, Charity, and Imogen got to hear snippets of the new song before anyone else. They all told the boys that ARMY was going to love it just based on the little they had heard.

By this time the twins were 7 months old and everyone found it cute how they would wiggle to the music whenever they heard their daddies' or uncles' voices. They had gotten to where they could recognize all of BTS' voices even when they were singing because they heard them so often. They were really doing quite well in spite of being premature. Their pediatrician always raved about how well they were doing.

It was during this time that Lyssah met another ARMY. She was at the pediatrician's office waiting to be called back for the twins' check-up when it happened. She was young, couldn't have been more than 20 years old, and was very pregnant.

"Lyssah-ssi?" she asked as she walked over.

"Yes?" Lyssah asked warily, noticing the BTS pin on the girl's purse.

"I...I wanted thank you..." the girl said.

"For what?" Lyssah asked curiously.

"Your pregnancy blog has been so helpful for me. You boyfriend left when he found out I was having twins and my parents want nothing to do with me. So, I'm doing this all on my own. It's scary, as I'm sure you know. I remembered reading somewhere that you had a pregnancy blog so I searched it up and started to read it. You answered so many of my questions and addressed so many of my fears in your blog. And I learned things I didn't know as well. Your blog has been educational and enlightening as well as putting some of my fears to rest. I know so much more than I did before reading it and I just wanted to thank you for writing it and even updating it since the twins were born. For the first time since I found out I was pregnant, it felt like someone understood what I was going through." the girl explained.

"Oh. I'm so glad it helped you. It's hard being alone and pregnant but to be alone and pregnant with twins is even harder. Even when you have the father with you it can still be scary." Lyssah replied. "I see you're an ARMY. Can I ask who your bias is?" she added, pointing to the BTS pin.

"Umm...would you be angry if I said it's Jeongguk?:" the girl asked shyly.

"Of course not. Jeonggukkie was ARMY's before he was my boyfriend. And he is still ARMY's now." she stated.

"She looks like him a lot." the girl said, pointing to Minah.

"Yes, she does. They both look more like their daddies than me." Lyssah agreed.

"And don't worry. I won't say anything about seeing them. It's a rare treat for any ARMY to run into you and see them but I also know you and their daddies don't want the public to see their faces yet. I can respect that." the girl said.

"Thank you. I really appreciate it and I know Jeongguk and Taehyung would as well." Lyssah replied. "So, what brings you here?" she asked.

"I'm due soon and I wanted to find a good pediatrician before the birth. I've checked a few others and didn't like them. Then I remembered you had posted raving about this one so I thought I should check them out. Someone with as many children as you is bound to know a good pediatrician when they meet one." the girl explained.

"They are great here. I think you'll like them. Here take this. If you have any questions or just need someone to talk to about everything please feel free to call me. Just please don't give this number out to anyone. I'll get in trouble if Sejin or Hitman Bang find out I even gave you this number. It's a backup phone but they would still be upset." Lyssah said, writing the phone number on a piece of paper and handing it to the girl.

"I would never do that. I promise! Thank you so much, Lyssah-ssi!" the girl said.

"Eonnie is fine. No need to be so formal." Lyssah told her.

"Okay. Thank you, eonnie!" she said.

Just then the nurse called Lyssah back. She hugged the girl and wished her good luck before heading to the back with Alex and the twins.

She left the pediatrician's office later with a sense of pride that she had helped a young mother-to-be who was going through a tough time. She hoped she would hear from the girl at some point.

Thankfully the girl was true to her word and didn't post anything about seeing Lyssah and the twins. Their meeting stayed a secret from everyone except Jeongguk and Taehyung.

She did end up contacting Lyssah for advice a couple of times. And they also had lunch together so that Lyssah could see how she was doing. They ended up keeping in contact even after the girl gave birth. Lyssah tried to answer any questions she could and put the girl's fears to rest as best she could.

Helping that young ARMY mom, seeing Jeongguk fixing things with his mother, and knowing all of her children were doing well made Lyssah feel content for the first time in a really long time. She's been happy but not necessarily content or at least not completely content.

She realizes that what others think about her relationship with the maknaes, the age gap between her and them, and the birth of the twins don't really matter. The fact that she's happy, TaeKook are happy, her kids are all healthy, and she can help someone else make every hate message she has ever received worth it. 

An Unexpected Miracle....or TwoDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora