A Home

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Throughout my life, nothing ever felt like home to me for long. Yet, I still manage to find myself desperately searching comfort knowing how short lived it will be.

Sometimes I like the heart wrenching empty feeling and make myself sentimental on purpose, sometimes I try to cling on to the last ray of hope, not wanting the warm feeling to end. It ends anyway because the world is cruel and I learnt it the hard way.

After a very special person got taken away from me, I lost hope in ever finding permanent happiness again. Sure some people will think that there is a lot more to the world if I open my eyes and let other people in.

What if I don't want to open my eyes? What if, even in another 1000 lives, I'd choose the same miserable path only to see the same person over and over again?

Everytime I feel like my life is falling apart and I want to end it all, I remember them and stop right in my tracks telling myself "I am doing it for them, not myself" and with a heavy heart, I silently cry all the pain away till I'm numb. A very poetic and miserable way to live.

a book to pour my heart outNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ