chapter two

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Jordan POV

After I get doing the interview which was very interesting cause I did take the little boy who gets hurt some women  who I think is his mother and so I decided to saved him  during my interview cause first thing I will  take him to get checked out by the doctor at a hospital next I will already stopped by a foster  care center going see lf I can adopt him as my son or not for real he runs up to me when I did leave from the stage but soon as he was seating on the couch suddenly he started to feel a lot of pain through his body and blue flames come out his hands with a tattoo as well as his right eye changed when I just cleaned his wings it is covered in blood and the boy name was kaen who is only 6 years old from an abusive home.

Kae: mommy can you teach me how to use my quirks??

Jordan: yes I will but you are ready for it sweetheart??

Kae: yay!

Jordan: you have to eat first then we can train later ok Hahaha

Kae: ooh I can't wait!

Jordan: come on silly boy

Kaen: yay food!

Jordan: your mom never gives you anything to eat before??

Kaen: yea but it is only when I'm acting right on a day she is nice to me

Jordan: what kind of mother would do it to a kid * whisper in anger* will kaen you don't have to worry about her anymore cause you have me as your mom alright

Kae:.......thank you so much, miss

Jordan: your welcome sweetheart

Kae started to eat his lunch like he didn't have any food when his mother was his Guardian at the time so kae much have been through a lot in his past home and nobody come help him at the time he needed to be saved and thanks to God for Jordan who saw it he was getting hurt by his mom after hearing him cry out for help from the audience where fans can come and asked her questions like an interview. After they both get done with eating Jordan go clean the bowls out in the kitchen and did change her out from her suit outfit.

Jordan: let's go, Kean

Kea: coming!

They both, was standing in around the frost with lot of space to train and they began to train on kea powers over the time he did started to become stronger and more didn't give up on control his powers ever though when he was in south Korean with his mom and remembering how to control his flames without getting burn at all when he did make a big fire from his mother trinng over the past months going on a year and today kea is jumping from a building on his own while his mother is watching from the bottom cheering him on and some people stop walking thinking he was going fell off the building yet kean back up soon jump off from the rooftop with his wings spreading out from his back with a smile on his face and people was surprised to a kid who looked around 15 year's old can cantol his powers so well and kae hugged Jordan who looked proud of him for getting his powers uncontrol already not knowing dabi have been watching him train with Jordan on controlling his firepower which like watching his younger self who is happy and getting train the right way not being abused at all.


Jordan was busy training Kean and they were training on combat with hands as blocking and other weapons lf he did over his fire quirk in a fight but Kean was fighting to back and don't make it easy during the training yet Kean enjoyed getting training by his mom cause he became a lot of more strong and focused on fighting his opponents at school but soon the hero festival comes around the corner and he is planning to perform ever though nobody knows about him from UA high school and he was cool with it cause on the final day after watching the others performers and A1 class themselves he was up next to performance.

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