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Aespa was there seated on a corner taking irregular breaths , tears escaping although she keeps wiping them and sobs escaping her trembling lip. Followed by the loud bickering of her parents who doesn't seem to even bother checking or concerned about the impact they leave on the poor child. Just like everyone else out there,Aespa too wanted an ordinary life with understanding and loving parents. Well everything  doesn't  work out all rainbow fairies right? when it comes to her school life it wasn't a good one either it was always constant bullying and bruises by the end of the day. Aespa was definitely a strong girl she didn't end her life with a dramatic decision as cliche as it sounds. isn't it ironic there's a saying already "there's a good thing in every bad thing" yes it was indeed true..

                               It was finally the end of her final semester in her high school and she successfully completed her exams all her hardwork towards  her studies finally paid off. It was the first day of her university and things went all good and smooth almost too good to be true until she met the bully trio walking towards her with dramatic and slow steps towards her in the hallway. Of course it wasn't the same as high school they couldn't beat Aespa and fill her fragile body with bruises at the end of the day but they did  bully her verbally . Aespa came across a classmate who was labeled as the "weirdo" now,her name was Charlie Aespa decided to befriend her and soon they became the best buddies within a week sure they did have ups and downs but they had each other's shoulders to lean on. Charile wasn't the introverted and shy type as the cliche nerds in fact she was a talking box which Aespa found hard to shut up some times . And yes they were bullied consatantly by the infamous bully trio- irene,wendy and mina but Aespa and charlie were best at their ignorance.It was always the same routine for Aespa her classes finshes by afternoon , she goes for her part time job in the nearby cozy cafe and off she's home just to witness the loud and nerve wrecking bickering and loud argument from her parents..

          2 MONTHS LATER>.<

                    It was the midyear in her university and the management has planned a field trip for 3 days straight in a nearby woods and of course this was the only chance Aespa had to getaway from her home more like the place she utterly despises of. Aespa asked her approval from her parents before signing up for the trip but they couldn't care less. "YAAAAAAY is this a dream i am finally getting away for 3 whole damn days dammmnnnn!" aespa yelled through the phone to Charlie "IKR bisssh this is it we're gonna re write the stars yahooo!" charlie replied "the heck? i dont want to do such a prestigious job i just wanna have FUN!" "yeah yeah whatever" both of these best friends spent the entire evening by planning and loud giggles ..

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