saving Tannie

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Sorry for being late again. I tried my best to update quickly but each time I write something, I delete it cuz I'm not satisfied with it.

I'm really sorry I don't raise pets so I don't know much about how to treat or deal with them so I hope I didn't miss up in this chapter.

It's not edited as always I'm really sorry lol .

Enjoy! (≧▽≦)


Third POV

Tae really loves Hoseok's Job. When the vet told the toddler that he heals animals, Tae was surprised.

"Animals has doctows too"

"Yeah baby they do"

"So..they get Icky like me?"

"Yes, they do. But they can't tell us like you because they can't talk so they either stay very quiet and don't play or they make small hurt noises"

"Poow them" Tae said with pouty lips.

Hobi then described how they find stray animal, heal and clean them before putting them in the shelter for adoption. He and his team did a great jobs at rescuing animals and even they have a YouTube channel to show people how to take care of wounded animals until help arrives, how to care probably for newborn animals, general care of pets, first aid for pets incase of injury, or advertise the arrival of new pets that are up for adoption and so on. Their channel is verified and so popular. They even have an app that people can use to report the location and the state of the stray animal.

Tae kept listening and seeing the videos Hobi shows him with stars in his eyes, he even teared when he saw a severely injured puppy that Hobi quickly reassured and showed him how he is happy and having fun right now.

"Hey do you want to come with me and see them?"

"Yes!! I can? Now? Pwease"

"With that please I can't say no. Of course we can go now"

"Oh please Hobi, even if he didn't say his magic word, you'd have accepted. You are just so whipped" Yoongi said snorting while watching a medical documentary on the TV that no one is interested in except of the pediatrician.

"As if you are not, hyung. We are so soft for him" Hobi replied stating facts and Tae with looking at them with wide eyes trying to figure out what the adults are talking about.

"Well taehyungie let's get you ready. What do you want to wear" Hobi asked while taking the child in his arms going to his room.

Tae went for a jeans overall with a round hat and Hobi wore an identical outfit. Tae's wardrobe is a mini version of Hobi's as each time they go shopping and get clothes for Tae, HoSeok matches his clothes because it's just so cute.

"We are heading out. Do you need anything?"

"Ice cream" Jimin and Jungkook said together in a normal voice as if they are used to ask for this order when anyone goes out. And they actually are used to.

"I mean other things than that" Hobi said rolling his eyes.

"No thank you hyung. Come back safely" they again replied together.

"Don't forget your coats" Jin reminded from the couch.

À"Okay. See ya soon"


They reached the shelter not 20 minutes later as it's close to their house and HoSeok wanted to walk their to get some fresh air on their way.

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