Angelica and Salazar

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(Angelica rode across the ocean on a mermaid, since being forced to sing for them years ago she had befriended them and they turned out to be a useful mode of transportation)

(Upon reaching a cove Angelica hopped onto the solid ground and thanked the mermaid, kissing her on the cheek which made the mermaid squeal in delight)

(Angelica journeyed into the dark cave like area, searching for a dark power)

(Ever since Jack and Elizabeth had knocked her out and left her at the mercy of the mermaids, Angelica had grown to despise them both and wanted them dead, especially Jack for leading her on with his incessant flirting only to choose little miss cute cheeks over her, and no, Angelica had not forgotten Jack's laundry list of insults he'd spat at her)

(Angelica had been searching for some kind of magic that she could use against them to ensure their deaths were as painful as possible when she had discovered the location of the fabled Devil's Triangle, it was that very place she believed she was entering now)

(Suddenly a dark shadow emerged from the pitch black cave as a terrifying old man slowly hobbled out of the cave on a cane, he looked absolutely awful with blood dripping out of his mouth and his skin looked almost green, despite her discomfort Angelica stood her ground)

Salazar: ""

Angelica: "Stay back!" (She drew her sword) "Who are you?"

Salazar: "Capitan Salazar. Salazar. Many, many years ago I was condemned to this hellish place by this young pirate boy. Jack the Sparrow."

Angelica: "'ve got to be kidding me."

Salazar: "No ma'am. The Sparrow must die. But I am trapped here in this dreaded triangle."

Angelica: " was fate that we found each other. I am also currently out for revenge against Jack Sparrow. He took everything from me. Perhaps together we could ensure his death."

Salazar: "You speak words too good to be true, Miss. But how do you plan on freeing me from this cursed place?"

(Angelica grabbed him and pushed him out of the cave)

Salazar: "..oh."

(Sunlight shined on him as he became excited and giddy)

Salazar: "Daylight! Daylight!" (He whistled and his ship the Silent Mary sped out of the cave, Salazar and Angelica hopped aboard as Salazar laughed happily)

Salazar: "Now now. It is time to hunt a pirate."

Sparrabeth: Dead Men Tell No Tales Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ