An Awkward Reunion

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(While Henry ran around playing pirates, Elizabeth, Jack and Will sat down to discuss their situation, their very awkward and complicated situation)

(After telling Will about everything that had happened they waited in agonizing silence while Will took it all in)

Will: " helped raise Henry?"

Jack: "Only a wee bit. I was off on the Pearl for weeks at a time for part of it. I was more of a part time uncle than anything."

Will: "This is..this is difficult to take in..."

(Elizabeth felt so horrible, she hated herself for putting him through all of this, no one especially someone as good as Will deserved such a cruel fate)

Will: "..but I am willing to accept this."

Elizabeth: "Wot?"

Jack: "Wot?!"

Will: "As shocking as this is I shouldn't have expected you to do nothing for decades at a time. You deserve to have happiness Elizabeth, to go on adventures and be free. It's what you've always wanted right? And if Jack is the man you wish to do those things with who am I to stand in the way?"

Elizabeth: "Will..I don't know what to say..that is far, far more reasonable and generous of a response than we deserve."

Jack: "Aye. I fully expected you to try and lop me head off as soon as you heard the story."

(Will chuckled)

Will: "I'm glad it was you who was there for Elizabeth, Jack. The three of us went through so much together. We may as well be family and now..I suppose we truly are."

(Elizabeth broke into tears and hugged them both)

Elizabeth: "I never expected this. Thank you, Will. Thank you so much."

Jack: "Mr Turner..I feel I must repay this incredible display of understanding you've given us and make you a promise."

Will: "A promise?"

Jack: "Aye. No matter how long it takes..I will find a way to break your curse..and set you free of the Dutchman."

Sparrabeth: Dead Men Tell No Tales Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin