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"So let me see if I understood what you just told me. You want me to act like I was kept here as a prisoner or something and I somehow managed to escape. You will turn on the emergency alarm and have a few people chase after me. I will run down that hall where her room is and fake a fall. I will call out for help as your man try to drag me back and she will try to help me. Then she will get me out of the building."

"Yes, that's the plan. Now you need to put this on."

He handed him some gray pants and a shirt with a number on it.

"With this it'll seem like you're really kept here like a 'experimental subject'."

Russia nodded and put the clothes down.

"When you change come out in the hall. My men and I will be waiting there."


The man walked out and Russia quickly changed into those new clothes. He then walked out in the hall and there were two other man standing beside the one he already knew.

"These are the guards who are going to chase you down the halls."

Russia looked at the heavily armed man in black suits. He nodded at them to show that he agrees and they nodded back.

Their boss pulled out some handcuffs and car keys.

"When you get out you'll see a car parked left from the exit door. We'll block all the ways to the main exit so we make sure she takes the other one. And we need to put handcuffs on you to make this look more realistic."


Russia stretched his arms out and the handcuffs were placed on his wrists.

"Ready?," the man asks picking out a small device from his pocket.


"Let the show begin."

He pressed the red button and the alarms went off. Red lights flashed down the halls.


Russia ran down the halls and the two guards ran after him.

"Stop!," the guards yelled at him.

He kept on running. Soon he made it to the door that led into her cell and he faked his fall. The guards ran to him and grabbed him by his arms.

"Hold him tight! We can't let him escape!," one of them yelled as they pulled him back.

"Let me go!," Russia yelled trying to free himself.

"Help! Anyone! Help me!"


You set in your room and started at the gray wall in front of you. You were trying to figure out what all happened yesterday.

You created a portal to another world. How did you even do that? Wasn't being super strong and fast weird enough?

And what happened to the guy who you brought into this world when you came back? Did they find a way to send him back to his world? Probably not. You're the only one known to be able to connect realities.

And yesterday when they moved you to another room for some sort of experiment that was later delayed you thought you heard his voice again. Was that just your unstable mind messing with you or did you really hear him?

If he's really here let's just hope they didn't do anything bad to him. If only you were a 100 percent sure that he was here you would go and look for him. He'd probably be confused and scared of this place. Not only this whole building, which is a big laboratory and space for experiments, but even the outside world if he ever got a chance to see it. But one thing's for sure, if he's here you need to find a way to take him back to his world as soon as possible.

Beautiful chaos (Russia x reader)Where stories live. Discover now