The start of something phenomenal!

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His white hair was imperceptibly bedraggled not because it was frowsy as usual but because he got stuck in a mess.

It was the first day of school yet he's already unlucky but never worried. Despite the bad luck that comes his way, he was always optimistic and looking forward to the thrilling life Hope's Peak has for him.

This was the sole experience where he was truly happy! Happy that a prestigious academy scouted him. Well, not really because he was special but because he was picked in the lottery!

He calls that luck.

Luck that never left his side. It was always there. It was like a chain that binds him.

Although, he wasn't bothered. Luck was something that he had ever since he came to the world! He didn't see it as an actual talent but it's hypnotic!

Like a magnet that attracts preternatural happenings and what happened before he stepped foot inside of the academy's premises was the example of what his luck entails.

Monday morning and the start of a new day. He was up all night, wondering if his life would turn around, 360 degrees once he played the first episode of his life in Hope's Peak and now sleep deprived.

The flames of exhilaration had him burning with fever inside and the grinning face that he had was the apparent fact. If he could only show his eagerness, he would scream in delirium but he just happily smiled. Making people think he's thinking of mischief. Quite the opposite actually.

He was never mischievous.

A feeling of emptiness struck him on the stomach as it began to ramble.
He let out an exhausted sigh, realizing that he didn't eat anything, "I had forgotten to eat, I must have been too excited,"

He rubbed his stomach underneath his uniform, thinking that it would stop the rumbling noise but of course it didn't.

He was starving, maybe an onigiri would be great.

"How do you eat this? Do I just remove the peel?" A bewildered girl questioned. Curiosity drove him to glance at who spoke, he pointed at himself and was about to ask if he's the one she's talking to but it was all an assumption, of course no one would talk to a lowly creature like me.

The girl wasn't looking in his direction, her field of view was on the bustling road, she was mindlessly figuring out how to open the onigiri... which he knew was bought from a convenience store.

But an onigiri, I was just craving for that.

It seems it was her first time buying it, it was easy to open but she's taking her time on it like it was a math problem.

"It's a bit difficult to explain the proper instructions of opening an onigiri so I hope it's okay to show it to you. I've been noticing you're having trouble." He politely interfered with the ever focused girl.

Her eyes widened, "Really! Thank you! It's so hard to open it without ruining it!"

He only nodded as the girl handed him the store bought onigiri but it slipped through his hand out of instinct because it was hot!

This wasn't the normal onigiri he eats! This one's hot!

It dropped on the footway, he quickly apologized and stooped down to grab the onigiri.

But he wasn't expecting that incident would save him because the moment he bent down. A truck lost control and was heading towards their direction but the onigiri fell inches away from his current position. The only one who was rammed to the electronics store behind them was the girl, together with the truck.

Adventures of Nagito KomaedaWhere stories live. Discover now