𝟐. 𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬.

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The soft, silvery glow of moonlight crept through the intricate patterns of the curtains, casting an ethereal light on the room. The man sat in bed, his fists clenched so tightly that his knuckles turned white, his anger and frustration simmering just below the surface like a pot about to boil over. His jaw was set, his teeth gritted, as he struggled to contain the turmoil that threatened to erupt at any moment. He yearned to shatter something, to release the pent-up fury that had been building inside him, to shatter the oppressive silence that filled the haveli.

But he restrained himself, aware that the occupants of the ancient mansion were slumbering, oblivious to his inner turmoil, their gentle snores and soft breathing a stark contrast to his own turbulent emotions. The stillness of the night air was oppressive, heavy with the scent of jasmine and sandalwood, and the man felt like he was suffocating under the weight of his own rage.

❝ Shut the fuck up! ❞ Zahab's voice thundered, his amber eyes blazing with a fierce intensity that seemed to burn with an inner fire. His gaze turned glacial, his pupils constricting as he growled, ❝ I dare you to touch her... and it will be the death of you.❞ The air seemed to vibrate with his fury, his words dripping with a venomous warning.

Those who knew Zahab were familiar with his calm and collected demeanor, but in this moment, the devil hidden beneath his polished surface emerged, his true nature a foreign and terrifying entity that left no doubt: he would unleash hell itself to protect her.

❝ First, let her accept you, ❞ The voice on the other end of the line sneered, its evil laughter sending a chill down Zahab's spine. The mocking tone was like a spark to gasoline, igniting a fierce rage within him.

Zahab's grip on the phone tightened, his knuckles turning white as he struggled to contain the fury that threatened to consume him. He could feel his pulse pounding in his temples, his mind racing with visions of wringing the caller's neck with his bare hands. The laughter seemed to echo in his mind, taunting him, fueling his anger, and Zahab knew he was teetering on the edge of control.

With no time to waste, Zahab slammed the phone against the wall, the device shattering into pieces as he stormed out of the room. His long strides devoured the distance to the lounge, his agitation evident in every step. His hair was disheveled, as if he had repeatedly run his hands through it in frustration, yet despite his disarray, he still exuded a captivating presence. His chiseled features and piercing eyes seemed to burn with intensity, making him look even more handsome and dazzling, his anger only adding to his allure.

Zahab lit cigarette after cigarette, the smoke curling around him like a shroud. He inhaled deeply, seeking solace in the familiar ritual, hoping to quell the storm raging within. But with each drag, his anger only intensified, the nicotine failing to calm the tempest. The seconds ticked by, yet his fury continued to build, a relentless tide that refused to recede. Nothing seemed to ease his agitation, no respite from the turbulent emotions that threatened to consume him. The cigarettes, once a source of comfort, now felt like a futile attempt to pacify the beast within.

Zahab sprinted towards the familiar sanctuary, his feet echoing through the grand hall of the Hussain villa, Adeena's ancestral home. He had been staying here, surrounded by the warmth and chaos of her extended family - her cousins, her father's three brothers, and their wives. It was a quintessential desi household, full of love, laughter, and lively debates, where traditions and values were deeply rooted.

The villa, with its high ceilings, intricate arches, and spacious rooms, was a testament to the family's rich history and hospitality. As Zahab navigated the familiar corridors, he felt a sense of comfort and belonging, yet his turmoil remained, a stark contrast to the peace and harmony that pervaded this loving home.

Zahab burst through the door, unannounced and unapologetic, knowing that permission would be denied if he asked. His breath caught in his throat as his amber eyes locked onto the electrifying blue gaze of the person he sought. His heart skipped a beat as he took in the vision before him - her brown tresses cascading down her shoulder like a rich, velvety waterfall, framing her heart-shaped face and accentuating the piercing blue of her eyes. The air seemed to vibrate with tension as their gazes clashed, the connection between them crackling like a live wire.

She gazed at him, her eyes wide with concern, taken aback by the turmoil etched on his face. She could sense the turmoil within him, his ragged breathing, his fists clenched and unclenched in a rhythmic dance of agitation. His eyes, red-rimmed and blazing with intensity, seemed to burn with a fierce inner fire. His hair was disheveled, his nerves stretched taut, and his Adam's apple bobbed up and down his throat like a piston, betraying the depth of his emotions. The air was heavy with tension as she absorbed the sheer force of his distress, her own heart racing in response.

With purposeful strides, Zahab closed the distance between them, his eyes fixed on hers. He enveloped her petite frame in his arms, drawing her close to his chest. As he inhaled, her scent filled his lungs, a sweet balm that soothed his frazzled nerves. He held her tight, feeling the gentle pressure of her body against his, and knew in that moment, she was his solace, his sanctuary. She was the only one who wielded the power to calm the tempest within him, to quiet the raging storm that threatened to consume him. In her embrace, he found a sense of peace, a sense of belonging.

❝ Calm me down, Jaan... I need you, ❞ he whispered, his voice barely audible, yet knowing he didn't need to say more. She understood him like no one else, knew him intimately, and could sense the depths of his turmoil. Without a word, she reached up and caressed his hair, her gentle touch of balm to his frayed nerves. Her silence was comforting, her presence a solace. Zahab felt his tension ease, his muscles relaxed, as he leaned into her touch. She was his safe haven, his home, his love. In her embrace, he found peace, his heart rate slowing, his breath steadying, as he let go of his worries, knowing she was there to catch him.

❝ Jaan, you're etched in my soul, forever entwined with my heart; no force on earth can ever tear you away from me. ❞ he whispered, his eyes shut tight as he pulled her closer, eliminating any space between them.

❝ You're mine, always mine.❞ She continued to stroke his hair, her gentle touch calming the storm within him. As he relaxed, he pressed his lips to her forehead, showering her cheeks with tender kisses, as if to reassure himself that she was still his, his life, his everything. He knew she was angry, furious even, and he didn't blame her. He had made a grave mistake by hiding the truth, and he deserved her wrath. But Zahab was willing to do whatever it took to make it right, to earn back her trust and love.


And that's a wrap on Chapter 2! I'm beyond thrilled to share my first-ever short story with you, and I'm so glad you're along for the ride. Writing this book has been an absolute joy, and I'm eager to hear your thoughts on the latest installment. Please take a moment to vote and leave a comment - your feedback is invaluable to me! Stay tuned for updates on future chapters, and thank you for your continued support!

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