part 2

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{Denki's pronouns still all}

When the bell signed for lunchtime Monoma got up from his desk, grabbed his bag and started making his way to the kantine, thinking he'd see Shinsou and Denki there. Instead he saw the waiting outside the 2A classroom. Waiting for him.
"Finally!" Denki yelped when he saw the other blond. Shinsou looks up and smiles slightly.
"Took you long enough." He states as he starts walking away to the kantine. Shortly followed by the two blonds.

"Hey Monoma, where were you?" Kendo asks when he sees Monoma enter the room. Denki frowns a bit, thinking Monoma might leave to sit with his own friends.
Though, he doesn't, and keeps following Shinsou and Denki to their usual spot.
"Hey Monoma, you're doing the music during the summer festival right?" Denki asks after some time. She'd already finished her lunch and was trying to form a somewhat normal conversation with Monoma. Seeing Shinsou was still quietly enjoying his food, he wasn't going to talk any time soon.
"Yeah.. it's kinda sad, my parents won't let me bring my own violin to school so-" Monoma was brutally interrupted by Denki.
"You play the violin??" Shinsou cracks a smileat his girlfriend's enthousiasm.
"Yes, I do. Why?"
"That's so cool!! I didn't know you did!" Monoma hesitates. Most people he told about it said it was lame
"Yeah. Most people don't." He states after a while. With that the conversation died down, until Shinsou finished his food and asked more about how Monoma would play if he couldn't take his violin to school.

"Oh.. Yaoyorozu made one, I hadn't practiced in a while so I'm working on that after classes end. Seeing the music class is practically dead it's easy to practice there." Shinsou nods.
"So how will you enjoy the festival if you're playing music the whole time?" Denki questioned. Monoma looked at him for a second, somewhat confused at the question.
"Well, I'm not the only one playing the violin, one 3C student is also working on it and offered to fall in when I want to do something.. though, I don't know if I'm even gon a fall out." With that the  bell rang, signing for them to get back to class.
Monoma was first to get up, already walking away as Denki and Shinsou catch up with him.
"We'll cya later or was this just a one time thing?" Shinsou asks smiling. Denki grabs her boyfriend's hand as they catch up with the two. Monoma stops for a second, his ears slightly, almost unnoticably red.
"After classes I have violin practice with Jirou and that 3C student." He just states. Denki grins.
"We'll cya at the music classroom after class then. I'd love to hear you play." He says, already pulling Shinsou with him to their class.
Monoma is shocked to say the least, it wasn't exactly what he had meant and was not worried the two might distract him from the actual practice. The second bell rings and he quickly makes his way to his own class. Muttering to himself as he does so. This muttering mostly being about his two new friends.

"Monoma you're late." Vlad-King states when he finally enters the classroom.
"Sorry sir. It won't happen again." Monoma just mutters as they sit down, shoving his bag under the desk and quickly taking out his books.

Classes finished faster then expected and Monoma immediately starts making his way to the music room. Quickly Jirou and Yaoyorozu catch up to him and start talking about the upcoming festival.
"So.. we saw you sitting with Kaminari and Shinsou earlier, you do know they're dating right?" Monoma looked up at the statement. Of course he knew. They didn't really try hiding it or anything. He was quite sad with it. He liked both of the men but didn't know how that would even work out.
"I do." He mutters slowly. Looking down, and almost walking into a wall while doing so.
"Good. As long as you don't ruin anything between them everyone will be fine." Jirou stated. Questioning wether this was a threat or not Monoma realized they were already at the classroom.
"I won't.." he whispers before grabbing the violin out of the corner and checking if it's tuned correctly.
"Good." With that they all do their own things.

Love y'all to the moon Shinsou×Denki×Monoma Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora