Accidents Happen pt . 2

Start from the beginning

Wilhemina's pov

After Lav called me I rushed out of the meeting telling the man I had a family emergency and we would have to reschedule . During the car ride I was wondering how bad the fall could have been . I mean Lavender tends to overreact to everything but by the way she was talking over the phone I could tell she wasn't in her headspace anymore so I'm guessing it was bad . The rest of the way to Billies house I was thinking about this morning and how Billie woke me up and we talked while I was making my lunch and bottles for Lav . It was so....normal . And now everything's gone to shit . So quick . They where just in my office bringing me flowers and now according to Lav, Billie was barely breathing. I speed over not wanting to be stuck by myself thinking and got to Billies house in 10 minutes . I was banging on the door yelling for Lav to open the door and it took a while for her to come to the door . What the hell was she doing that she couldn't come immediately to open the door . When she finally did I hugged her as tight as I could, trying protecting her from this whole situation but I think it's too late . She didn't hug me back . She didn't say anything . She didn't try to console me when i started crying . It was like she wasn't even there . I asked where Billie was since I didn't see her at the stairs and Lav only pointed to the couch and didn't move when I went over to the couch . I started shaking Billies body and yelling for her to wake up but she wasn't moving . I put my finger under her nose to see if she was breathing and thankfully she was . I checked her pulse on her neck and it very faint but still there . I looked around the room to find Lav and she was sitting on the stairs next to a blood stain staring at it . She looked so out of it . Like her body was here but her mind wasn't . I noticed a few tears fall down her checks but she didn't even look like she was crying . Just tears falling out of her eyes, no emotion on the rest of her face. I ran over to her and picked her up off the stair and held onto her with everything in me . She still had her phone in her hand so I took it and called 911 . The whole call Lav was staring at the wall behind me pretending like I wasn't carrying her . The lady over the phone asked if Billie was breathing and I said she was barely breathing and had a faint pulse and when i said that I saw Lav break down . She dropped her head into my neck and started screaming and crying and trying to push herself out of my arms . When the call with the dispatcher ended i put Lav's phone down snd wrapped both of my arms around her to keep her from falling but she kept trying to get out of my arms and started screaming at me to let her go . She started hitting me and when she punched my arm I wasn't expecting her to hit as hard as she did and I dropped her . As soon as she was on the floor she ran upstairs and i tried following after her but she ran fast and into a room and shut the door locking it behind her . I was hitting the door yelling for her to open it but she didn't . I put my ear up to the door and I couldn't hear her moving or anything . After a while of hearing nothing I heard a zipper open and that was it . I was still banging on the door yelling her name but she didn't open it or say anything .

Lavenders POV

It's all my fault . No one else was here just me and Billie . When I heard Mina tell the dispatcher Billie was barely breathing and had a faint pulse it actually hit me that Billie might die because of me . If an ambulance didn't get here soon she's going to die because of me . Mina was still carrying me but I needed to get away . I needed time to breathe and I wanted Mina to have her time alone with Billie so I started yelling at her to let me go and I started hitting her . I didn't want to hurt her but she wasn't listening to me yelling so all I could think of was to punch her arm and she let go and held onto her arm . I ran as fast as I could up the stairs whispering how sorry I was even though i knew she couldn't hear me . When I heard Mina following after me I ran faster and into Billies room locking the door so Mina couldn't get in . As soon as the door was shut and locked she started hitting the door yelling at me to open the door but I couldn't . I couldn't even if I wanted to . I felt frozen, like I couldn't move at all . After a while I couldn't even hear her banging on the door or yelling everything was silent and the only thing I heard was the sound of Billies head hitting the last step . After that all I could hear was Billies laughs from when she was chasing me around the house earlier . I hadn't noticed I gotten my blades out until I was holding one looking at the dried blood on it . I know Billie wouldn't want me to hurt myself just because I was upset and I could almost hear her comforting me telling me it was all gonna be alright and not to hurt myself . But Mina . She would be so disappointed if she knew what was going on behind the door . But I'm not sure she cares about me anymore . All those thoughts stopped when I started listening to Minas banging on the door and her crying for me to please open the door and that she's not mad at me she just wants to hold me . I thought i can cut one more time and it'll make me feel better and it would be the last time . After I would open the door and let Mina hold me . I carved a 'B' into my thigh for Billie and a 'M' next to it for Mina. I cleaned the blood off and unlocked the door . Before I could open it, it swung open and Mina immediately picked me up still crying . When she picked me up my dress rubbed against all the fresh cuts these where uncovered at and it hurt so bad but I didn't want to let Mina know so i just tightened my grip on her shoulder and bit my lip to make sure I didn't start screaming in pain . She held me for a while crying and rubbing my back and I was crying too both because of Billie and because of the pain but I was able to ignore the pain after a while until she started walking . Between the fabric of my dress and the rough fabric of Minas skirt rubbing on all the cuts I couldn't keep the pain under control. It felt like someone was burning all of them and I started screaming

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