"My brain won't seem to shut off," you laugh dryly, "I can't stop thinking that I didn't help enough when I could. I lived with Axel for years and I barely gave you anything, practically forcing you to build this case from scratch- but I want to catch him now, more than ever."

You took a seat across from him, hands locked together in front of you. You studied his reaction, it was nearly concerning. Despite the display that he put on, you could see he was curious- itching for the information on this case. His finger was tapping against the wood.

"What do you have?" Hotch whispered.

You gulped and reached into your pocket. You pulled out the slip of thick paper that you folded up. "It's a copy of the will. I know it isn't the most legal thing but I have my ways. I talked to my good friend Natalie, a lawyer at Harrison and Co.. Her family takes care of the Jacobs, practically their own personal lawyers."

It was true that your friend Natalie worked for Jacobs, she was the one who got you into law school. Her family was a walking empire. However, you didn't pull strings to get the will, you snatched a copy. There wasn't much on there that you can remember. After your shares were read, your mind blanked.

"When was the last time you read this over?"

You shrugged. "When the will was read for the first time but I wasn't listening after everything was practically handed to me," you paused. "Hotch, I don't think I got the money to simply stay with Axel. Lesly was generous but not that generous."

You looked him in the eye to show your serenity of concern. Maybe it didn't sound that serious to him, but deep down you had that gut feeling that builds in the courtroom. The kind where you know when someone is saying bullshit and you have to convince people that they are. Lesly was a slick man, never putting out business, keeping you away from him and his personal studies, friends, and even families.

Hotchs expression changed slightly while reading over the paper. Only about three minutes until he set it back down with a tired sigh. "Lesly left three estates to Axel. New York, Vermont, and Florida."

"I've only ever been to the Vermont and Florida estate. Lesly never liked the New York one, said it was too- flashy." you laughed. "I never understood that. The mansion was so flashy- makes him hypocritical don't you think?"

"I do." He agreed. Gear turned in his head and it was hard to ignore the way his eyes scanned over your face. Suddenly, he pushed his seat backwards and stood up.

"Where are you going?" you asked hesitantly, standing up on your own. He grabbed a coat off the rack by the door and turned to look at you.

"Stay here, make sure that Jack doesn't leave the house. I'll be back."

"Wait!" you protested. "Why are you just up and leaving it's nearly three in the morning."

"I'm running by the office," he explains. "If anyone creeps you out-"

He is asked over to you and places a heavy gun in your hand. Your breath was taken away just looking at the weapon. It was black and had an FBI crest logo on the handle. The metal was cold on your hand and you were regretting this decision to tell him. You didn't expect to set him off like that. What the hell was in that will?

"I can't shoot a gun! Can't you just stay? What was so important that you need to go to the office in this exact moment?"

"Y/N right now I need you to stay put and be in the look out. I will tell you everything later but right now- right now I just need you to trust me."

He hesitated when he went to grab the door, looking back at you before he opened it up and the cool wind gusts into the home. "Aaron, tell me."

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