The Date

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Jerome POV
My first new date was going to happen today with the most beautiful girl in the world. I know it's creepy but I've actually liked Ty a lot but I wasn't gay so nows my chance to get in game.
I just can't wait I'm gonna take him or her to Olive Garden and make his night and possibly with my charm get her too kiss me today is gonna be awesome. I hope he isn't allergic to garlic.
Hmm my phone was ringing I picked it up of course it was Ty.
"Sky help me."
"With what Ty?", I asked.
"Jerome wants to go on a date with me and it's really akward.", he said really fast.
"With woah woah, Jerome? Didn't expect that.", I said sarcasticly.
"What do I do??!!!"
"IDK maybe call Dawn. She knows a lot about girl problems." Grief Ty is really needy now. I thought as I hung up.
I then called Dawn she was really passed when I picked up because she was taking a nap.
She told me too just go this is gonna be really weird.
So I put on my silk green dress I bought at the mall with Dawn. It was lime green and hung down on one side and gently touched the floor. I then pit on my pearls and metal earrings. I looked in the mirror in my opinion I was gorgeous. I was ready to go.
Jerome POV
I was so exited in only an hour I would get what I always wanted.
I got ready by putting on a white suit a lot like my Klub Ice skin in minecraft. I then put my gift for Ty in a bag and put on a light blue Ty my mom said it matched my attitude.
I simply couldn't wait for the date.

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