2- Everybody Dance Now

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Tiffany stood there, staring at the sheet on the wall with tears forming in her eyes as she repeated the list to herself over and over again. Emily, West, Eldon, Michelle, Stephanie, Daniel, Chloe, James, Riley, Giselle. No Tiffany.

"Oh yeah!" Eldon couldn't help but yell as he threw his hands up in the air for West to high-five him.

Charlie walked away from the paper, grabbing his face and rubbing his eyes, not even wanting to think about another year in B-Troupe.

West made his way over to Daniel, who had an equally large smile on his face, and threw himself onto him for a celebratory hug.

Stephanie turned around from the paper and found Giselle, and they both began jumping up and down and high-fiveing each other, letting out girly shrieks, unable to contain their excitement.

Riley ran away from the paper, jumping onto Chloe, who welcomed the hug.

"Well, obviously," Emily let out, walking away from the paper as she twirled her light blonde hair around her finger. She walked over to her friends, pulling the girls into a group hug. She then walked over to Tiffany, who now had tears streaming down her face, and pulled her into a comforting hug. "Listen, you deserve to be here. And you don't deserve this." She whispered, wiping a tear off of Tiffany's cheek.

"I can't believe Miss Kate would do this to me." Tiffany sobbed, pulling her bag further up her shoulder.

"It wasn't your fault. It was Michelle's." Emily tried comforting her. "I promise I'm gonna get you back."

Emily pulled Tiffany into one last hug. "See you soon."

"Okay" Tiffany responded as she shuffled out of the studio.

Emily squinted, wiping a tear that was threatening to spill down her cheek, before she saw Eldon walking towards her out of the corner of her eye. "Hey Emily," he said, crossing his arms infront of his chest nervously.

"Not now," Emily cut him off, "and the answer will always be no."

Beth grabbed James' hand, pulling him to the side of the office, away from everyone else. "Hey," James greeted her, knowing exactly what she was about to say, as he's been in this situation plenty of times.

"I miss you, James. Like a lot." Beth crossed her arms over her chest, staring at James.

"I know, but don't worry about it too much."

"I feel like I'm never gonna see you."

"You'll be okay" James tried to assure her, pulling her into an awkward hug.

"I gotta go," James broke away from the hug, noticing that Beth was getting a little too comfortable.

"Ok, I'll miss you!"

"You'll be okay," James dryly reassured her as he walked back into the studio. Beth began to leave the studio, but she couldn't help but look back at the boy she loved, oblivious to her unrequited feelings.

Emily made her way over to Daniel and West, who were having a conversation with Michelle. She grabbed both of their shoulders and put on her best fake smile. "Can I just, uh, talk to Michelle alone for a second?"

"Sure," Daniel said as he walked away, followed by West.

"Hey, I just wanted to welcome you to A-Troupe. Congratulations." Emily said with a fake smile plastered on her face.

"Thanks. It was really nice meeting you" Michelle responded, to nieve to see how Emily really felt. She went in for a hug Emily, but much to her surprise, Emily stopped her by putting her hand out for Michelle to shake, which she did.

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