4- Undeserved

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All of A Troupe sat around Studio A and stretched, as usual, waiting for Kate and Chris to walk in with their agenda for the afternoon. James practiced some hip hop moves, Eldon did pirouettes, West stretched his legs at the barre alongside Stephanie, who was stretching her back, Emily laid in a cobra on the floor, Daniel stretched his splits, Michelle her practiced front walkovers, Chloe and Giselle did a standing pike stretch, and Riley practiced her tilts.

"Attention dancers, attention please!" Chris yelled at he walked in to the studio alongside Kate.

"We have some exciting news!" Kate clapped her hands together. "It looks like we will be competing at a small dance competition this weekend!" She announced to the dancers who had gathered in a circle around them. This news excited all of the dancers, causing them to clap and cheer.

"This time, we will only be taking one solo, and the J-Troupers are taking a group dance, and usually I would pick who'd be competing, but since we have a newly elected dance captain, I've decided that this time I'm going to have Emily hold auditions for the solo." Kate announced, much to Emily's surprise.

Emily raised her hand, "But, Miss Kate, does that mean I don't have a chance to have the solo?"

"Yes, it does, but there's always next time." Kate reassured her.
As all the dancers stood around Studio A preparing for their solo auditions, Stephanie made her way over to Daniel in the back corner. "So, I heard your choreography a dance for J Troupe, huh?" Stephanie wondered as she slipped on her tan jazz shoes.

"Yeah, I'm working with them later tonight." Daniel answered with a smile.

"You know, I did that once last year?" Stephanie asked, adding a giggle to try and sound innocent. Daniel nodded his head, scrunching his eyebrows, both confused and intrigued. "They are insane! But I'm sure you'll be fine."

"Now you're all tense." Stephanie pointed out, looking him up and down.

"Yeah, 'cause you just got me all nervous!" Daniel excused, shaking his hands anxiously.

"Exactly! They'll sense that, they'll sniff it out. Just have fun! Just relax!" Stephanie said, shoving him playfully.


"Okay!" Stephanie said, walking away.

Emily walked into the busy studio, clipboard and pen in hand. "Alright, are you guys ready to audition?" She asked, receiving a nod from dancers, who were all moving to side of the room. "Ok, the order is Chloe, Giselle, Daniel, Eldon, James, Stephanie, Riley, Michelle, then West."

Chloe ran to the center of the studio as Abilene blasted on the speakers. She began her dance with a few pirouettes, some snaps, and a chaine turning center leap.

Giselle also started off her solo with some pirouettes, a coupe turn, and a side aerial.

For West's solo, he started with a standing back tuck, some hip hop, and then dropped into a jazz split and sliding right back, which seemed to have impressed Emily.

James started his dance off with a flip, then doing a one one-handed back handspring. He added another back handspring, and then dropping onto his back and jumping back up.

For her solo, Stephanie started out with a side aerial, then doing some turns.

To begin Eldon's dance, with a round-off back tuck, then doing some waves and a chaine turning center leap. He ended the solo by striking a pose and staring at Emily, visibly making the blonde very uncomfortable.

Riley started facing the back, proceeding to do a few pirouettes. She tried to do some hip hop moves, but completely forgot what she was doing and just stood there nervously. She tried to do a tilt to end her routine, but she ended up falling out of it, managing to put her hands down before falling flat on her face.

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