1- Get The Party Started

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Miss Kate walked into her empty studio alone, beaming with excitement. She rubbed her hands together as she looked around, smiling from ear to ear.

Chris, the studio's Head Choreographer walked in shortly after, sharing Kate's enthusiasm. "We're for sure making it to Nationals this year!"

"Okay, hold your horses. Let's focus on Regionals first, ok?" Kate replied, calming him down.

"Ok, ok, Regionals, Regionals, Regionals." Chris repeated, still just as excited.

"You ready?" Chris asked Kate.

"Let's do it" Kate clapped her hands together, making her smile even bigger.

"Alright, let's do it" Chris repeated, also clapping. Suddenly, groups of talented dancers began flooding in from the double doors on both sides of the office, dropping their bags by the cubbies on one side.

Chris walked over to where a group of girls were standing near the cubbies, holding out his hand. "Hey Miss Emily!"

One of the girls, Emily, respectfully returned his handshake with a huge smile. Chris then turned to one of the brunette girls standing next to her, shaking her hand too, then also shaking the third and final girl's hand.

"Get focused, Ok? This is serious stuff! A-Troupe auditions!" Kate announced as all of the dancers gathered in the center, adjusting their shoes and clothes, getting ready to perform. "This is big stuff, okay? A-Troupe auditions!"

All of the aspiring A-Troupers spread apart across the studio to warm-up for their big audition. One of the boys made his way to the middle and performed two nearly perfect back handsprings. At the front of the room, one of the brunette girls that Chris had previously shaken hand with was practicing her coupe turns. Not to far away, a red-head girl stood, casually lifting her leg up into a tilt. Another boy at the back of the room stood in a runners lunge as if he was about to start a full sprint. Instead, he ran about three big, impressive steps up the wall, letting out a big, obnoxious shreak as he sprung off, not even fazing the girl stood next to him, who was twisting her torso around to stretch her back. Another boy towards the center, with a very concentrated expression, demonstrated an extremely long sequence of pirouettes. The boy who had just been climbing up the wall was now on the ground practicing one of his favorite breakdance moves. One of the other boys was going over some a la secondes into a double back attitude turn, clearly trying to show off. It wasn't working, however, considering everyone was to focused on themselves. Emily was laid on the ground with most of the other girls doing bicycles to help them warm-up. One of the other girls stood with her leg on top of it in arabesque, leaning back to try to touch her leg. Upon seeing her, the boy had previously been doing a la secondes walked over to the barre and grabbed onto it, swinging his leg up into arabesque repeatedly, trying to outdo and intimate her, which, again, wasn't working considering she was paying no attention to him. The girl picked her leg up off the barre and into penche, then bringing down to attitude, only to lift it back up. A few more boys warmed up by doing pushups, beging the girls doing bicycles. Chris walked over to a group of three boys on the floor in the back corner and individually shook each one of their hands. Emily sat up from the floor, surrounded by the girls who had moved from bicycles to leg lifts, and pulled down her thin, black, bejeweled headband that had been holding back her short, light blonde hair, and pulled it back up again, while checking herself in the studio mirrors. The red headed girl that was with her got up from the ground and practiced a back walkover.

Chris walked into the middle of the studio, stopping all of them from their respective warm ups. He snuck his right hand up in the air and began to move it forward and backwards like a wave. "Dolphin tail! Er er er er er!" He yelled, his voice booming throughout the room. All of the teenagers giggled while mimicking both his arm movement and dolphin impression. "That, dancers, was the first dolphin tail of the season! Congratulations!" Chris announced proudly, receiving an excited applause from his dancers, who looked around at each other with huge smiles.

The Next Step: Season 1 Where stories live. Discover now