Chapter Two

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"Ugh," I say we just started doing pushups for a warmup and I'm dying. Now normally I'd be fine, but we just took a week off for Winter solstice, so I hadn't practised in a week. Thus, being the reason That I'm so dying right now.

"Oh, wow did you really not practice at all last week?" Bear asks me it is very obvious he's trying not to laugh.

I smack him on the head and say "and did you practice at all last week? Hum?" when he looks abashed, I start laughing so hard that I lose focus. Our coach Jill comes over and asks me why I'm not doing pushups anymore "um"

"As I thought," she says, "20 extra pushups for you miss Akela."

"But I-" she shushes me and says

"As you were Maggot." Ugh, I officially hate Jill. In fact, I don't think I would mind if she went off and burned in hell. I continue my exercises once we finish practice under stretching, I ask Bear if he's been stationed anywhere yet.

"No, not yet," he says Bear cannot wait until he's stationed. I on the other hand can most definitely wait and would much prefer it to the other option of being stationed now. Cause if I correctly remember there's no action right now thus meaning I would be very bored.


Later that day specifically in the evening I head into my cabin. I remember the first time I saw my cabin I was so excited to see your bed and not have to sleep on the forest floor again. I walked into the cabin and looked around I saw everything the room was divided by three thin walls. The first one was to divide the two sleeping areas each little compartment had a bunk bed one bookshelf and two chests. The other wall had racks for clothes a few chairs and a small couch. Behind the last and final wall was the bathroom.

Back in the present I walked over to my bottom bunk and flopped onto it. Since my second year here I'd had the entire cabin to myself the other girls had both quits. That was why I was so befuddled when somebody opened the door. I was especially surprised when the person who walked in was Alana. "Alana?"

"Hi, I think that you are my new roommate?" She said.

Oh no! This cannot be happening I much preferred having the cabin to myself than with other girls. You see I do not deal well with other people specifically females the main reason being they're all bossy. "Oh okay," I said.

"Is it cool with you if I have the other compartment?" She asked

"Um," I said thinking it over if she had the other compartment, she would probably leave me, alone right? I decided to let her have it. "Ok sure it's really dusty though," I said. Fun a new roommate I think very sarcastically.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2021 ⏰

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