inpatience is needed

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Sorry for slow updates, school is a thing💔

"Y/N wake up," Itadori violently shook Y/N, to the point it was scaring Nobara, "Y/N WAKE UP!?" Itadori yelled louder, Y/N began to flutter their eyes open:

"Where are we?" Y/N asked, looking around to be surprised. Their scenery was beautiful. They were somewhere almost magical! It was a Tokyo town. Nothing but houses and restaurants with lighten up windows, "H-how did we get here," Y/N began to sit up.

"I don't know. No one knows," Megumi said, looking ahead of where they were, "there isn't an entrance either. We just landed here out of nowhere."

"That's weird, does anyone remember what happened before we got here?" Y/N asked, looking at Nobara who has the best memory out of the group.

"Why y'all looking at me?" Nobara crossed her arms, "I don't know anything."

"Well... You do have the best memory out of all of us," Y/N remarked, using their legs as support to push themselves up.

"Whatever," Nobara memubled.

"Anyways.. What are we going to do now?" Megumi looked around him once again, "the only place to go is forward."

"There's all these doors, and houses. Why don't we just check one o-" Itadori was stopped by the locked closed door that jerked him as he tried to open it.

Nobara began to laugh, "you can't open a door?"

"I CAN!" Itadori began to pull and jerk the door but it didn't move, "why is this not opening." He looked at the door up and down, what if I just hit it like I did with the shed.

"Itadori I wouldn't do that... What if that's actually someone's house, what if all of this is a prank? You're breaking into someone's house." Y/N explained, looking around, "but yet again.. there's so many in one area. How would we get to Tokyo this fast?"

"I'm still going to do it, I'll take the charges," Itadori raised his fist.

"ITADORI N-" Megumi began to shout. Once itadori's hand made contact with the door, nothing happened. The door was still in place, no marks, not anything. Only Itadori's hand was affected.

Nobara began to laugh, "What happened to all that strength? Can't even break down a door."

"How about you do it then?" Itadori grumbled, walking away from the door shaking his hand from the pain.

"Well.. If itadori can't do it, then none of us can" Y/N said, walking slowly to the only open area which was in front of them.  A straight road through, that leads to who knows what.

"But what if it's a trap?" Nobara asked, looking ahead at the dreadful view of a black abyss in front of them.

"Where else can we go? There's nowhere else to go. All the doors are locked and there's no entrance. What are we going to do? Starve?" Y/N rolled their eyes and grabbed their head in distress, "How did it even come to this?"

"Well... Let's get going !" Itadori began to walk across the road, ahead of everyone.

"ITADORI WAI-" Megumi started running towards Itadori, "don't rush into things." Megumi put his hand on Itadori's arm, making him slow down.

Y/N and Nobara both walked past Megumi and Itadori as they were talking to each other, "Lord, they are so gay it's unreal," Y/N said, looking at Itadori's eye contact to Megumi, "this is literally story worthy faggotry."

"FAGGOTRY??" Nobara yelled, looking at Y/N with wide eyes, "how do you even come up with this stuff? Faggotry..." Nobara began to cover her mouth from laughing. Megumi looked over to them, knowing exactly what they were talking about. He shook his head and began to walk ahead of them.

After an hour of walking and looking at the beautiful scenery, they made it to a large house. It looked staged, as if this all was a stage, a dream, but no. It was reality. Itadori walked up to the door and expected it to be locked, but with one big pull the two doors opened when he only tried to open one.

"That's weird, why did both of them open?" Itadori asked, looking at Megumi.

"I don't know," he shrugged, "let's just go in." Megumi began to walk up to the door. There was a small hallway that continued into a dark room. "Anybody got a flashlight still?"

"Me!" Y/N said, walking up to Megumi, "here you can lead the way." They gave Megumi the flashlight and pushed them to go. Nobara walked up to where Y/N was and Itadori did the same.

With alll of them behind Megumi they said, "go Megumi! You got this, go first." They all looked at Megumi with big pleading eyes.

Megumi rolled his eyes, "if I die only Itadori's allowed at my funeral. Fuck the rest of y'all," he shook his head and began to walk.

"Whatever," Nobara said, "I'll spit on your grave!!"

The group continued to walk, going down a singular path. Nothing suspicious had happened so far, it was just creepy. That's until there were two paths.. They didn't know where to go, but could they split up?

"There's two paths?" Itadori said, loooing bsck and forth at both of them.

"Well obviously," Nobara shook her head, "the question is which one do we go in?" She looked at Megumi who had his thinking face on. Scrunching his nose, rubbing his chin, and scratching his head, "so what do you think?" Nobara asked,

"Well, we could split up. But that wouldn't be good because what if one side gets affected worse than the other. I say we just wing it," Megumi looked back at Nobarax

"Well... I say let's go right!" Itadori yelled, beginning to walk to the right.

"Where do you think you're going?" Megumi said, "We haven't even decided where we're going as a group yet." Megumi shook his head.

"Oh yeah... I mean I could see if it's safe first."

"So sacrificing yourself," Nobara snickered, "If you want to go ahead it doesn't hurt me."

"Oh... I never thought of that."


"Okay, anyways let's go right," Y/N began walking, "Megumi I don't know if
you're going to follow, but if you want to die that's on you."

"So no one else??" Megumi looked at Nobara and Itadori.

"Well I was gonna go wherever Y/N went anyways, so..." Nobara started walking to the right side.

"I always wanted to go the right anyways," Itadori followed behind Nobara.

"Lord." Megumi went to the right side too. The hallway they went down had a lot of turns and sharp edges. As the group walked the hallway got more narrow and hard for multiple pepped to go down.

The narrow hallway began to expand again the further they went, but once they reached the end there were another two ways to go. Right or left again, "Is this a maze?" Nobara asked.

"Clearl- '' Y/N began to say, but when they looked to the left there was a lit up room, "guys look.. the room. There's light in there."

"Oh shit, let's go." The group began to run towards the room, happy for the light, "What if there's someone in there?" Megumi asked.

Itadori stumbled when he reached the door, "w-what... what is that." He pointed to a dead body with lit candles next to it, the room reeked of blood and mold,

"What is i-" Megumi stopped by the shock of the dead body, Y/N and Nobara did the same.

The presence of someone standing behind Itadori came and he turned around, but didn't get a look because a strong force threw all four of them across the room.

A tall muscular creature stood in front of them. It's face had scars and tattoos, it had 3 legs and no eyes.

"W-what is t-that."

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