The Beginning

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Moonlight brightened up the dark, cold, room. The dust particles could be seen floating through the air. A man with four arms sat in a king-like chair, patiently waiting, resting his head on his hand. He seemed irritated though, as if the wait was taking too long.

The man rose from the chair, the metal was unsticking from his rough skin, "I need to hurry," his deep voice mumbled, "it's not too long before I can't-" He stopped talking and began coughing roughly, "fuck, I need.0

As soon as he finished coughing he knew he needed to find her, the woman that could save his life. The man raised one of his four hand's and did one snap.

Not even seconds later the room was pitch black, not even the moonlight could be seen, or was he somewhere else?

"Take me to her," he mumbled again. The room around him began to change. The fast movements of different things, multiple things. It's as if he was seeing everything, but nothing at the same time.

After the rapid movements were done, he was in a different room. This room was more lively, more candles, more light. The light blinded the man. He wasn't used to this bright light.

"What are you going to do here?" The woman said, the man knew she was powerful. Just the sense of her was enough to tell him that.

"I need-" he began coughing, but this time blood came out, "I need your help."

"With?" She looked down to the coughing man on the floor. All four of his arms supporting him to his feet.

"I need.. To continue to live.." The coughing stopped, he lifted himself up from the ground.

"And what is your name?" She asked.

"Ryomen Sukuna," he glared at her. This was something new to him.. He hasn't done such things before. He was new to this, it was a new experience to give someone his full name, and his devilish looked expressed that.

The tall woman widened her eyes in surprise, she never expected something like this.

Her long heels clacked as she slowly walked over to him. The white long dress swayed in the slight breeze that passed her, "Indeed, I will Ryomen Sukuna. There's this family that I have been battling for a while now.."

"W-what?" Sukuna raised an eyebrow, "you've been battling a family?"

"Yes. They're very strong... for humans," the woman looked disgusted as she spoke about a family sukuna didn't even know existed, "since you're just as strong as me, maybe even stronger."

The tall woman bent down to reach sukuna's face. Standing right next to it, staring him straight into the eyes, "I'll put you into the family, destroy the family from the inside."

"Destroy it from the inside?" He repeated, "what do you mean?"

"If you kill the boy I'm putting you in, you can take over his body." she whispered, "the rest is for you to discover."

Sukuna was even more confused now, he didn't know what he was putting himself into.

"Now," the woman put her hands together, "Ryomen Sukuna, you shall now live longer, be patient just a little longer."

Sukuna began to rise off the floor, feeling lighter. What did she do to me? Why am I floating? The big buff man was flying! All four of his arms dangled from his body, he felt lighter than ever.

Then, starting from his feet he began to disappear, his skin began falling apart and disintegrating into thin air.

"My name is sama, we'll meet again."

The Mimic | JJK x Black Reader Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang