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Disclaimer: We can reclaim the slurs used here

"Itadori! Open the fucking umbrella or else we will all get sick" Nobara rushed the pink haired male, as she tried to cover her newly styled hair from getting wet. The raven haired male sighed, he knew he should've brought an extra umbrella; even though he didn't want to be here.

"Okay...jeez! Maybe you should've brought your own...." He muttered, hoping she wouldn't hear, but she did.

"What was that?!"

"Nothing!" He finally opened the umbrella and three fourths of the group got under. "Y/N? There's enough space under here. Get in!" They we're about to protest, claiming that they were fine, but Nobara pulled them under anyway. The four of them began to walk down the stone pavement that surrounded the building they once knew. Their old High School.

"We shouldn't even be here" Megumi mumbled, earning a nod in agreement from Y/N. The two youngest in the group decided that it would be a good idea to visit the school that all brought them together, for their last year of college. The school was abandoned a year after they graduated from it.

"Quit being pussies! We're already here, let's bask in the nostalgia while we can. Now let's find an opening" Boy, that Nobara sure had a mouth on her. The elders sighed, why did they let themselves get dragged into this?

"How about the back? Where the pool is?" Y/N suggested, "One of the doors should be able to open back there." Megumi looked at Itadori who was jumping with excitement.

"You look like a child Itadori," Megumi snickered, Y/N followed him in doing. Itadori got embarrassed and stared Megumi down.

"What? I can't be excited!?" Itadori's tone told the group he was embarrassed, but why so much at a little comment? Megumi shrugged it off and walked next to Y/N, where they walked to the back area of the school.

Once they got to the back, Itadori and Nobara ran up to the pool, "Itadori, I remember when Megumi couldn't swim here and started to drown a little." Nobara whispered but did slight snickers. Y/N must've heard her because they began laughing too, Megumi just looked at the three and walked away.

"What if we push him into the pool again," Itadori raised his eyebrows and looked at Megumi.

"STOP! He's gonna be so mad. Let's do it," Nobara nodded her head and slowly looked at Megumi. Y/N knew something was up, they knew the look on Itadori's and Nobara's face. But they were kind of into it, Y/N wanted to see what was about to happen.

"Ok, ok, we gotta wait till he's not paying attention, maybe we'll bring him here then push him in."

"No... That's too obvious. Let's wait till he gets close then you can pick him up and carry him," Nobara's idea intrigued Itadori. Carrying Megumi? He thought it sounded like a good idea to him.

Itadori nodded his head, "Oh... I like that, okay, we just wait now." Itadori and Nobara got up from the pool side and came next to Megumi. Itadori was on Megumi's right while Nobara was on his left.

Y/N was behind them just laughing at their little antics and then waiting to see what's going to happen next.

Itadori stayed very close to Megumi the entire time. It was too noticeable, as Y/N was walking behind them, they noticed how close Itadori was. Hmm.. Well we knew this awhile ago, he's showing his true colors tonight. Wait. Wait. Are they trying to push Megumi into the water? I see now.. Let me help.

"GUYS!" Y/N shouted, the three turned around to Y/N, "LOOK! I saw something over there," they pointed towards the edge of the pool where a tiny object sat, seconds away from going into the water.

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