Chapter 30

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Yin Mingzheng felt that he had done something wrong before. Every time Yin Qiang beat Zhou Juan, he rushed out to block Zhou Juan and shared Zhou Juan’s damage, so that Zhou Juan’s head was not sober, and she felt that she was not worthy of Yin Qiang. Yin Qiang is the angel who saved her from fire and water.

Or is divorce and losing face in front of family members more terrifying than being beaten?
In the past, he did not understand but respected Zhou Juan’s choice, but after being admitted to the hospital and almost died, it became more and more difficult for him to empathize with Zhou Juan. The details that had been neglected before always appeared in his mind.

For example, Zhou Juan always hid in his room when he was beaten, so he rushed out to fight Yin Qiang, but Zhou Juan stood aside and didn’t help.

Not to mention material deprivation. He remembered that the community came to his home to remind him that he should go to school at his age. Zhou Juan sent him to school after making sure that he would not spend any money.

Piece by piece…

Yin Mingzheng closed his eyes and didn’t think about it.

After Zhou Juan showed Yin Mingzheng her true inner thoughts for the first time, she was a little unable to face him. Every day when see Yin Mingzheng, feel that he has undergone subtle changes again, and that feeling is very similar to Yin Qiang.

When she stood in front of Yin Mingzheng, she had a feeling of facing Yin Qiang, cramped, uneasy, and fearful.

Facing Yin Qiang, she knew that she was afraid of her because of violence, but she didn’t understand why she was short in front of Yin Mingzheng.

Yin Mingzheng wanted to take her ID card and take her to the securities market to open an account, but she did not resist.
The winter vacation is over in a blink of an eye, and junior high school starts.

After Shu Ning came back from the Northeast, she followed Ms. Cai back to her grandmother’s home to walk with relatives. Finally, after the relatives went home, the friends in the class formed a game again. Once they got off, he didn’t make appointments until the beginning of school. Villain.

He didn’t know how to make an appointment.

After all, when the little villain came to pay back the money that day, he pissed him off again.

Every time want to get close, always make the other person unhappy, and Shu Ning doesn’t know what to do. He and the little villain seem to be innate against each other, and they are always inaccessible.
School started, and Shu Ning made a lot of extra money through part-time jobs.

Together with his grandma’s grandma’s new year money, he became a rich man again. After returning five thousand to Ms. Cai, it is no problem to raise a small villain.

When the school started, had to buy new reference books, food, etc. Shu Ning contacted Zhou Juan last year to send money and items, and by the way, she also asked her to sign the notes that hadn’t been signed before.

Without Yin Qiang’s squeeze, Zhou Juan stayed lazy and didn’t go to work, so she met at the fountain in the community at about seven o’clock in the evening.

At 7 o’clock in the evening, Shu Ning handed her the money, asked her to sign up the slip, and gave her the milk and calcium tablets, and asked: “Yin Mingzheng has a good meal, drinks milk, and calcium tablets?”

Zhou Juan: “Yes, he eats every day.”
Shu Ning breathed a sigh of relief, “I’ll see you next Tuesday, if I change the time, I will let you know in advance.”

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