Falling Is Like This

Start from the beginning

When Skylynn drops Alyssa off she sees someone she's never seen before, she's pretty familiar with the residents of the trailer park. He's handsome, incredibly so. He doesn't belong in a trailer park, he belongs on the cover of GQ. He has blond hair that falls across his eyes, he's wearing shorts and a sleeveless shirt, his muscles are prominent and Skylynn is immediately drawn to the stranger. He's carrying boxes so he must be moving in, she follows him with her eyes and watches as he enters the trailer that Skylynn used to live in with she was little. That trailer is filled with bad memories and Skylynn is so happy that they were able to get out.

She turns on her car and drives away, her thoughts filled with the boy she saw at the trailer park. When she gets home she's distracted by her thoughts of the boy. She wants to meet him, to talk to him and get to know him. When she lies in bed that night she falls asleep thinking about the mysterious boy.

The next day, she's up early to get ready for school, she goes to the kitchen and gives Rosa a big hug.

"Thank you for breakfast and lunch, Rosa. You're amazing." Skylynn tells her and Rosa hugs her back and smiles at the sweet girl.

"You're welcome mi ñina," Rosa replies. Skylynn eats her breakfast quickly and grabs her lunch before heading out to pick up Alyssa at the trailer park. When Skylynn didn't drive, Nash would take her to school and also pick up Alyssa along the way. Taking the bus is tedious because there's several stops before they arrive at the school so the bus picks up the kids from the trailer park very early.

Skylynn knows she's pretty early to pick up Alyssa but she wants to catch a glimpse of that boy, he seems around her age and she hopes that maybe he attends her school. Nash and Cameron wanted her to attend a prep school in the town but she refused to because she didn't want leave Alyssa.

She pulls up to Alyssa's trailer and turns off her car. She sends a text to Alyssa letting her know she's here. Skylynn doesn't like to knock on the door especially if there's a chance the father might open it. He reminds her of Chad and Skylynn wishes she could do more for her friend, but being young there's not much that can be done.

She gets out and leans against the door, she watches as kids start to leave their trailers and walk to the school bus stop. She looks at the trailer she saw the guy walk in and no one has come out of there. She sighs and wonders why she's so obsessed with a complete stranger. The bus pulls up and the kids load into it, he's not in the group and the bus leaves. Either he doesn't attend the school in the area or he gets a ride to school.

Just as Skylynn is going to get back into her car, the door opens to the trailer and the guy rushes out. He stops in his tracks when he sees the empty bus stop, Skylynn can't really hear what he's saying but she figures he's probably cursing. The school is a long walk from the trailer park. Alyssa comes out of her trailer and gives Skylynn a hug.

They get into the car and Skylynn drives down the road, the guy is walking and Skylynn slows down to a stop so that she can talk to him.

"Hey... did you miss the bus?" She asks with a friendly smile on her face.

The guy stops walking and looks at her with a frown on his face. "Yes, and now I have to fucking walk to the school."

"The local high school? Im headed there, I can give you ride..." She trails off unsure of what else to say. He looks conflicted but jumps in the back seat of her convertible.

"Thanks... I'm Evan by the way," he introduces himself and Skylynn takes off driving.

"I'm Skylynn and that's my best friend Alyssa," she says as she drives towards the school.

"Skylynn..." Evan murmurs and she looks at him through the rear view mirror. "I like it, it's unique."

"I like it too," Skylynn says and giggles softly, Alyssa gives her friend the side eye, Skylynn never giggles like that. It's a flirtatious giggle that girls do when they're interested in someone.

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