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"I still think we shouldn't go in guns blazing." Bulma commented to everyone as they drove up to the warehouse.

"Who cares. The biggest threat in that trash pile of bricks are a couple of mobsters." Launch grunted as she took out a pistol.

"Yeah plus the more chaos, the better. Sorry not sorry Bulma." Violet smiled.

"Our training under the Meowth let us take on N. Tropy and Inferno Dry Bones. We are sure there is no threat in there." Venom mentioned, obviously talking about Korin, Mercenary Tao, and a Ghost Rider possessed General Blue.

"Yeah! No one can stand up to the Yamcha!" Yamcha declared as he pointed his thumb towards himself making Oolong groan.

"That's right!" Puar agreed.

"Really Yamcha? 'The Yamcha' is your biggest catchphrase? You sound like the most stupidest wrestler on planet Earth." Oolong commented.

"No I don't! I sound totally awesome." Yamcha said as he high fived Puar.

"You may not like this Bulma, but I agree with the others. What are a couple of mobsters too us?" Krillin spoke up.

"Oh for Kami's sake! How did I become friends with the likes of you all!" Bulma groaned as she slammed her head against the wheel of the car.

"Because you love us! Especially me!" Violet teased as she leaned closer to Bulma.

"Like hell I do!" Bulma shouted.

"I don't know, maybe Bulma is right." Master Roshi said, making everyone turn in complete shock.

"What!? Everyone exclaimed except Turtle, who knew better than question his best friend's judgement.

"What do you mean Master Roshi?" Goku asked.

"What do you mean Dumbleperv?" Pistole blurted out.

"What I am saying is that there is a higher than normal power level inside that building, something that wasn't there when myself, Oolong, Violet, and Turtle came here earlier. Sure, it's not as strong as any of you or our previous enemies, except for Emperor Pilaf and Shu of course, but I feel whoever this is shouldn't be taken lightly. We should proceed with caution." Roshi advised.

"The Pilaf Gang being weak is the biggest understatement of the year." Oolong commented.

"Yeah, without Mai and Vendetta, I don't know how they would operate." Krillin agreed.

"See, even Master Roshi agrees with me." Bulma smiled sweetly. "Thank you."

"Oh, if your really that thankful, maybe you should show me those delicious curves of yours. He ha!" Roshi said.

"YOU PERVERT!!!" Bulma furiously shouted as she punched Roshi square in the face, making him fall back in his seat.

"Wow. Master Roshi learned how to sense energy? When did he do that?" Goku thought.

"Probably from a stupid master of his own." Venom replied.

"Do you think he learned that ability from Korin?" Goku asked.

"The Meowth? Yeah, can see that chewable fluffy kitty holding back on us." Venom said.

"No shit Sherlock! What made you get that impression?" Came another voice inside of the teen's head.

"Launch!? What are you doing in here?" Venom and Goku asked.

"Pistole and I can access the hive mind remember, which means Mai and Vendetta can access our mind too come to think about it. We can tackle that issue later. Speaking of Pilaf, Mai, and Shu, you were hiding something from me when Pilaf betrayed us before we were going to face off against Carlton Drake and that Tarkin guy. What do you plan on doing with the five million zeni you won in second place for the 21st World's Martial Arts Tournament?" Launch interrogated.

The Symbiote Saiyan Book 4: The Fortuneteller Baba SagaWhere stories live. Discover now