Letter To Me (Brad Paisley)

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"Babe, wake uuuup," Harry whined as he shook me awake gently. I groaned and turned into the bedsheets, never wanting to leave their warmth.

"I don't want to deal with Rebecca's shit," I groaned.

"Who does? But I want McDonalds and we're supposed to meet the boys there in half an hour so we can eat inside," Harry said and pulled the covers off of me. I groaned and rolled toward the edge of the bed. Before I rolled completely off though, Harry caught me and carried me to our bathroom. He sat me on the toilet and proceeded to brush my hair out for me. His strokes were gentle and caring. After he brushed out all the tangles, he pulled my hair back and loosely tied it in a hair tie. I then stood up and brushed my teeth and put deodorant on before we grabbed the rest of our things to get ready and leave. Once in the car we stayed silent until we pulled into the parking lot. "What are you getting?"

"I don't really feel hungry," I shrugged and scrunched my nose toward him.

"No. We are not doing this. You're going to eat something," he said and got out of the car shaking his head. For a moment there, I thought he was upset with me. When he walked over to my side and picked me up out of the car, I knew he was just making sure I was taken care of. He ended up carrying me inside and set me down once we were in line to order food. After a short wait we ordered our food, and I got something small. Once we were given our food and Harry made our drinks, we found the boys and sat down with them.

"How are you this morning?" Niall asked with a warm smile. It had been a couple days since our birthday, and the past couple days have been complete shit at school.

"I've been alright," I said with a weak smile. Louis gave me a scolding look and then looked down at my food. "I will," I said as I let out a small sigh and picked my food up then took a bite. The rest of the time we were there we spoke about school and how to get Rebecca to back off. None of us had any ideas so we decided to just forget she even existed. When we got to school, we went straight to our lockers and got our things then went straight to class. Harry knew I wasn't in a lovey dovey mood so he just let me be. I was definitely glad he understood me enough to know when to do things and when not to. When the bell to start class went off I noticed that Rebecca wasn't here today.

"Haz," I whispered in his ear as Mrs. Clifton explained the next steps of our project.

"Yeah?" He mumbled back and glanced at my lips as he did so.

"Rebecca isn't here today," I mumbled back. He looked around for a second and made a weird pouting face.

"Huh, you're right," he whispered and then laid his hand on my thigh and squeezed it occasionally as we waited for Mrs. Clifton to stop talking. Once she did we turned to our groups and started our work. As we did our work we spoke about random things.

"So how are you and Rose?" I asked as I looked up at Zayn.

"We're great. I actually told her I loved her yesterday," he smiled uncontrollably.

"Did you mean it?" Harry asked.

"What? That I loved her?" Zayn asked while he looked at Harry with furrowed brows.

"Yes," he nodded and waited for Zayn to respond.

"Yeah I meant it. I meant it with every fiber in my body," he said and shook his head slightly, still not understanding Harry's concern.

"Have you told Treble you love her?" Zayn asked after a few moments of silence. Harry stiffened at those words. I rested my hand gently on his arm and looked over at Zayn with a warm smile.

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