I Miss The Days (NF)

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"Happy birthday baby," Harry whispered in my ear, waking me up.

"Thank you babe," I smiled groggily. He only smiled before leaning down and pecking my lips.

"Alright, get ready so we can go get dunkin' donuts," he chuckled. I nodded and got out of bed then started to get ready for the day. I grabbed the hoodie we bought on Saturday and my favorite pair of skinny jeans then changed. Harry sat on our bed and played on his phone as I got ready which didn't bother me at all. After I finished getting ready, I walked over to him and rested my hands on his triceps. He snoozed his phone and looked up at me, a smile forming as he did so. I smiled back and motioned for us to go. "You ready?" he asked.

"Yeah, just gotta put my shoes on," I said. He nodded and then waited for me to move before he stood up. After we got our shoes on we left for the day. Although, normally we get in by ourselves, today was different. Today, Harry held the door open for me and waited for me to get completely in before shutting it for me as well. I knew he was just being like this because it was my birthday, I mean that had to be it, right?

"Alright," he sighed as he got in his side of the car. He looked over at me and smiled. I gave him a weak smile back and then looked down at my lap and fiddled my thumbs. He didn't need to know that I hated my birthday. Then again, I doubt he remembers why. "What's wrong?" He asked, turning the vehicle off and removing the key from the ignition.

"It's nothing really, not that important. I guess," I mumbled the last part. He turned more so he was facing me fully and rested his hand on my knee. I looked up and sighed.

"Please tell me. If it's bothering you, I feel like I should know. You shouldn't be sad on your birthday," he sighed.

"Fine, it's just- I know you want today to be great for Niall and I, but it's just... I hate my birthday. And you should know why," I sighed, not being able to look at him. As I spoke I looked down to my lap again and fiddled with my hands.

"Why do you hate your birthday?" He frowned.

"Because on my thirteenth birthday we found out mom had cancer. And at my sweet sixteen, which wasn't really sweet, my dad forgot that it was my birthday too. And for the past two years no one has said happy birthday to me. Not even my dad. I've cried every year on my birthday since I turned thirteen and I just, I don't know. I don't see how turning eighteen is going to make this birthday any different," I shrugged. He let out a sigh and then put the key back into the ignition and turned the engine on.

"This one is going to be different. We all made sure of it," Harry said. I looked over at him with furrowed brows.

"How?" I asked.

"You'll see," he smirked. I rolled my eyes with a small smile settled on my face. Man, was I lucky to have him...

Once we got to Dunkin' he ordered us some donuts and two coffees then headed straight to school. We weren't really in a hurry, but I figured all of this was part of his plan to make my day as special as possible. When we got to school I noticed that all the boys were hanging out by Niall's car. I didn't think much of it, figuring they were wishing him a happy birthday since he was here already. After we parked, Harry turned the car off and pulled the key out of the ignition. I gave him a puzzled look and he just smiled and opened his door to get out. I too, got out and followed him to the back of the car where he took our food and drinks. When I got there he picked me up and sat me on the trunk of the car.

"Close your eyes Lovebug," he chuckled. I did just that and then felt his presence disappear. After a few moments he yelled from a distance, "Okay, open your eyes!"

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