"Is he breathing?"

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We are stunned by what just transpired.

"Is he breathing?"

"Can anyone see if he's breathing?"

Erin and I talk at the same time.

"There... his hand in the cuff, it just twitched."

"He's breathing...he's still breathing."

The guy is done with Jay for now and turns to leave.

Benny Hoyer. Jay's CI. Apparently he wasn't trying to get out of the family business as much as he let on. In his rush to see what was happening he forgot to put on his mask. Thank God for stupid criminals.

He turns around with a smug look on his face that immediately falls. We can see a shadow in the doorway at the bottom corner of the screen.

"Shit. There are four of them."

It's obvious that Benny's getting yelled at by the look on his face. He talks back then looks abashed as he pouts himself out of the room.

"That, I would guess, is Daddy Hoyer."

Before Voight can say anything else, Mouse is starting to rattle off properties of anyone in the Hoyer clan.

"There's 5 possible locations...just sent you the address of the most likely. I'll send you the layout in a sec, other addresses and layouts to follow."

"Give us ten minutes then have an ambo meet us there and wait on the perimeter."

"Got it."

The plan is to hit them in order of the most likely location and work our way back. Voight has Platt send uni's to sit on the other properties in unmarked cars. We roll out. Mouse will stay in-house and watch the live feed and give us information on other properties if needed.


Thank God Benny Hoyer is dumb as a rock. The Hoyer's et al, are all surprised to see us bust in, didn't have a clue we were coming. Didn't have a clue how we found out.

The two lackeys are sitting on a couch nursing their wounds while Daddy Hoyer rages at all of them. He ignores us busting in, apparently his priority was finishing the verbal beat down on his son. Stupid seems to run in the family and we are more than fine with that. Guess they forgot about the live feed and Benny's lack of a mask. But Adam makes sure to remind them while cuffing Daddy Hoyer. It never hurts to let someone know how much you appreciate their stupidity.

That there was a video caught Daddy by surprise. Apparently that was something Benny came up with all on his own. He almost, almost, felt bad for the stupid kid, the way his dad was laying into him.

Jay is laying where they last saw him on the video, unmoving. He looks like hell, covered in blood from a split lip, a cut by his ear and a larger cut right above his brow that will definitely need stitches. His left eye, cheek and jaw have significant bruising. The bruise on his forehead is worrisome. It was from the kick to the head. He would have a definite concussion from the blow, hopefully nothing more.

Bruises and burns cover his torso, with significant bruising at his dislocated shoulder. He more than likely has some cracked, if not broken ribs, if the darkening bruises on his side are any indicator.

Antonio unlocks the cuff and lays Jay's arm by his side which elicits a groan and an arch of the back to get away from the pain. Erin uses her hoody to stop the free flowing blood from the cuts on his wrist. There's a heat wave coming off the kid's body. He is definitely sick and the hacking cough brings to mind pneumonia.

Voight crouches down and puts hand on the kid's shoulder. Jay blinks his eyes open and winces, before making eye contact with Voight.

"You're okay kid. We got ya."

He touches his tongue to his split lip, nods and sighs before he closes his eyes and lets the blessed darkness take him.

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