"Sorry! I just thought I saw something," Freya explained, shaking her head to brush off the strange sight. Smiling brightly, the girl jogged her way towards the boy before quickly patting him on the shoulder with a mischievous gleam. "Nevermind that. You're going to be a rotten egg at this rate, Erik!"

Erik barely had a chance to react as Freya suddenly bolted after the group. The thief let out a chuckle before chasing after his partner. It didn't take long for the thief to catch up with the Luminary, seeing as he was the quickest member of the group. Still Freya held up a good fight as they raced down the stairs, their light-hearted laughter filling the air.

Rounding the corner, they skidded to a stop upon noticing the others in the middle of a conversation with a sailor. Their faces were scrunched up with displeasure, making the couple's glee slowly ebb away as they exchanged glances. The duo made their way closer, and, once they got within earshot, they could hear Sylvando try to persuade the man. Into what, Freya didn't quite understand.

"What's going on? Is everything okay?" Freya asked as she and Erik approached the group. Serena and Veronica sadly shook their heads while Sylvando let out a lengthy sigh. He turned towards the Luminary with a frown curling at his lips.

"Can you believe it? This mean, mean man won't let us into the docks!" Sylvando huffed, placing his hands on his hips. Upon hearing that, the sailor furiously shook his head, desperate to explain his reasoning.

"Is nothing personal!" He exclaimed, a sheepish expression flitting across his face. Raising a hand, the man gestured at the hanging decorations and bustling crowd. "The docks are off limits for everybody now. Is because of la competizione!"

"Great. So I guess we just have to sit tight till this contest thing is over, huh?" Erik grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. There was a clear irritated flash in his eyes and Freya could only shoot the boy a small smile when his gaze drifted her way.

"Sì...Is the only choice," The sailor said, bowing his head in apology. "I am sorry, but Signor Universo is molto, molto importante event for people of Gondolia!"

"Signor Universo, you say?" Sylvando immediately perked up, leaning extremely close to the man. He let out a gasp as the jester smiled widely, his hues shining with complete interest in the event. "Now that sounds like fun! Tell me more, honey! I'm all ears!"

"Naturalmente! Signor Universo is for men of all ages. The winner, he must be powerful like the waves, graceful like the breeze and deep like the sea!" The man babbled animatedly. His eyes shimmered as he spoke with excitement, obviously enthusiastic that Sylvando asked. "La competizione is reason why Gondolia is so filled with the strong and admirable men in this moment,"

"Oh, I love a little pageantry! Come on, darlings, let's go see what it's all about! We can sample some local delicacies to get ourselves in the mood! I hear they're to die for!" Sylvando lilted, spinning on his heels to peer at his friends. His voice was so full of giddy that Freya couldn't help but giggle as he bounced in his spot. "Well, who's with me? Come ooon, you know you want to..."

"I'm not that bothered about whatever silly contest they're having, but..." Veronica trailed off just in time for her stomach to grumble out loud. The girl chuckled softly and moved to stand beside Sylvando. "I am quite peckish. I'd love to try a few local treats!"

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