Everyone watched with awe as the desert prince charged at the Slayer. The monster striked his hefty claw towards the boy, but Prince Faris raised his blade to block the attack. He stumbled backwards, but quickly gained his footing with a ferocious yell. Attack after attack, Prince Faris blocked each swipe with clumsy yet inspiring movements.

Unable to hold back, Freya cupped the side of her mouth. Her encouraging yells mixed in with the Gallopolitans' shouts, and it wasn't long before her companions joined in cheering Prince Faris on. Each swipe drew louder and louder cries from the people that put their faith into the next heir, even as Prince Faris's sword broke upon a strong swing from the Slayer. Despite being at a disadvantage, Prince Faris rushed towards the towering monster as it was about to pounce on the boy. Gasps filled the air at the tense situation, but in a blink of an eye it was over.

The Slayer let out a weak hiss before falling to the ground for the final time. The chants in the air grew nearly deafening now that the Slayer of the Sands was finally defeated. Yet as special as it was, Freya couldn't help but keep her eyes on the man that ended the monster's life with a swift slice to its body. The brunette watched Sylvando walk up to the younger boy with an endearing tap to his forehead.

"Darling, you were wonderful," The performer complimented, a twinkle sparkled in his pleased hues. He smiled warmly at the confusion that tugged on the prince's countenance. "Amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it, eh?"

"W-Wait... Did you...?" Prince Faris stammered as Sylvando turned to take a few steps away. Upon hearing the desert prince speak, Sylvando turned around with knowing glint.

"I won't always be here to remind you what it means to be a knight, though. Better not go forgetting again, eh?" The jester said, ending his sentence with a light chuckle. He raised a hand to wave farewell with a charismatic wink before turning to walk away once more.

"W-Wait! Friend—where did you become so well-versed in the ways of chivalry?" The Sultan called out after the man with an outstretched hand. His eyebrows furrowed in thought as Sylvando slowly glanced back. "Are you...a knight?"

For a moment, the man didn't say a word. There was a glimmer of something that danced in his eyes. Of what, Freya didn't know at that moment. She could only watch Sylvando in awe as he spun around with a raised hand and a charming smile.

"Who me? Don't be ridiculous, darling—I'm just a silly old jester!"

The kind wave that followed Sylvando's light-hearted words only left the Luminary with hopes of running into the man again as she watched his back disappear into the throng of people and finally out of sight.


"Yes Father, it...It was she who rode my horse in the Sand National, and she who captured the Slayer of the Sands...Forgive me..."

There was a rough pause that followed the kneeling prince's words. After the events that occurred in the stables, Prince Faris led the party back to the palace to spill the truth about everything that had happened. It was a necessary deed, but it didn't make it easy to go through. The guilt that ran in Freya's veins grew immensely as she now stood in front of the Sultan, who stared at her with weary and apologetic regard. After a few long beats, the man finally released a long exhale as he drifted his gaze towards his son.

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