The Nightmare

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I was running as fast as I could. My legs were burning since I haven't run in a while, but I had also been running for what seemed like hours. I was tired. Yet I had to keep on going for my life because they were behind me. I ran into a barn for comfort. Maybe this barn was better.

I don't know how it happened to be exact. I know how it all started though.


I just woke up to see a bunch of bodies strewn out everywhere in front of me. The stench was awful. I believed they were dead or recently killed. It was dark, and there seemed to be like hay everywhere I stepped. I think I was in a barn.


That's when they appeared. Derpy looked gruesome. A scythe was torn in his chest. It looked like he tried to put band-aids on his body to heal himself. He looked terrifying. He looked like the scarecrow from the old Batman animated series, and that dude scared me to death as a child.

I... I screamed. I didn't mean to. I just...It was a natural reaction.

Derpy covered his ears because I bet my scream was like a screech. He looked sad at me. He stiffened, and he moved to the side to allow me to pass.

I bolted without a second thought unknown to me that Derpy was just making a game of cat and mouse.


No more. I slid into the barn, catching my foot on a stray piece of farm equipment. I flinched as the blood slipped down my leg.

Thunder and lightning boomed outside, and I briefly wondered why Derpy wasn't getting scared... Then that stopped as soon as I heard a feral howl. I yelped, grabbing my mouth and ran to the corner of the barn.

I had tears streaming from my eyes. I was trying not to scream. I heard nothing as the storm was raining on. I sighed in relief, looking at my wound. It wasn't deep, but it hurt bad.

"You sure she's in here? I-I mean... I don't think she is, Junior. Let's look somewhere else." That voice.

I tensed badly, causing me to dig my fingernails into my wound. I silently whimpered. No... NO...

"She's here... I know it... There's blood, and it's hers..." A familiar voice I knew all too well said. It sounded dark and feral. I cringed."Now, where is the little silent lamb? Come... out... Come... OUT! I... Won't bite... Hehehe...." Junior chuckled.

I dared to look in what little light this barn had to offer me. I about cried.
He had a pitchfork in his head. Something embedded into his knee, and what seemed like a screwdriver in his other leg. He looked almost like a monster, but something seemed feral about it.

"But.. she didn't do anything... Can't we leave her alone? You left the other one alone..." Derpy asked, trembling as he flinched when Junior snarled at him.

"She's... been on my... list for a while... Now, I have her where I want her. Now go before I rip your girlfriend's lungs out." Junior barked. He sniffed the air as he smiled, showing very sharp teeth. "Found you...."

I went quiet. I don't remember what I did to him to make him angry. I haven't done anything. I just play around is all. My breathing hitched when I heard him stand before me. I was whimpering now.

I decided to look at him, to see if I could reason with him. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw him sneering at me. "Little lamb... Oh, wherever did you go? I MISSED you..."

Derpy felt terrible and guilty about this. He began to close the door.

I noticed it, and I kicked Junior in the knees. "BACK OFF." I crawled in the hay, cutting my hands on many things. I finally got up to see Derpy's sad face. "Please stop. No! I'm sorry for hitting you in the face! I didn't mean it! Please don't let him kill me...." I cried as I felt him pounce on me.

"Say goodbye little lamb... This will be fun...." Junior growled as he dragged me back into the darkness as I screamed for help. The doors closed on me.


Silent woke up immediately to her friend shaking her roughly by the shoulders. She felt blinded by the harsh light of vehicles surrounding her. Breathing was erratic, and she had a killer headache. "Where am I?"

"Silent? Oh god, you're alright. You've scared the shit outta me!" Soul yelped, hugging his partner in fright. Tears were falling on the side of his face, unusually emotional for him. He never showed his emotions when out on a mission, so what happened to make him blubber? "Why are you sleeping in the middle of the junkyards? The Duke might see ya."

Silent blinked a bit, adjusting to the bright lights. She was confused as to why there were vehicles around her. Soul and herself didn't drive cars in Motorcity. They used their powers. So... who...?

Green, purple, red, and yellow were the colors she saw on the cars. "Burners? Why...?" She tried to remember what had happened to cause her to pass out. All she could get was someone hit her on the back of the head, and she passed out.

"Jules said she heard rumors of a ghost or demon, walking around the junkyards. Something feline-like and darkness swarming everywhere. That leaves only one person, you Silent." Mike Chilton, leader of the burners, replied. "There's no other half-demon around here Silent. We were worried."

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