The Red Monster

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At this point, the Vortaak queen was so pissed off, that everyone would rather talk to her over hologram. "Send in, Kaiju #38." she shrieked. The general bowed, and his hologram went off. A pod with a higher heat resistance was sent to Earth.

Godzilla finally took his son out of his room. Godzilla jr had no idea what lay beyond the border of his room, and was confused. "Careful son. These rocks can cut you up." Godzilla said, when Godzilla jr got close to a rock pile. When he wasn't looking, he heard his son cry out. Godzilla looked back, and Godzilla jr's leg was bleeding. I warned him, he thought. Godzilla walked over, and picked up his son. He stroked Jr's back. Blood was oozing from his leg. Godzilla thought fast, and bandaged it up. His son's healing factor hadn't developed yet, but it was getting there. Godzilla jr was still crying. Godzilla did more strokes. "SHhh. You're okay. Those rocks aren't gonna hurt you anymore." he said. Eventually, his son stopped crying. Then, he returned him to his room.

Godzilla left his cave. It was one those peaceful days where he could hang out with Anguirus. But something unexpected happened. Kaiju #38's pod crash landed on Birth Island. "This must be where all those kaiju come from." Rodan said. Anguirus looked at the pod with suspicion. Battra came over. "What is going on?" he asked. Godzilla raised an eyebrow. "Эта штука - Сью." Anguirus said. Soon, the pod bust open.

 Soon, the pod bust open

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The kaiju walked out. "No sudden movements." Godzilla said. The kaiju's horn began glowing. "I say we hide." Battra said. "Why would we do that?" Rodan asked. 'BECAUSE I'M BATTRA!!" Battra shouted. This enraged Kaiju #38. He fired his magma breath at Battra. Battra was set ablaze.

"Well, now the women best notice me

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"Well, now the women best notice me." Battra said. "Чувак, ты буквально в огне!" Anguirus exclaimed. "And smokin'" battra said. Godzilla facepalmed. Rodan fired his uranium heat ray at Kaiju #38. This enraged the kaiju, and tail whipped Rodan. Then, he spewed magma on the ground, and burrowed away. "Anguirus, go after him." Godzilla ordered. Angurius nodded, and burrowed away. "No way he's gonna find him." Rodan said. "Я нашел его, ребята." Anguirus said. He had Kaiju #38 in his jaws. "I told you guys he'd find him." Rodan exclaimed, "Now, we can take care of him." Rodan pulled out a boulder. "Where'd you get that boulder?" Godzilla asked. Rodan looked at him. "I pulled it out of my butthole." he said. Battra vomited. Rodan chucked the boulder at Kaiju #38. before the boulder could hit him, Kaiju #38 melted it. Then, he spewed lava onto Anguirus, and burrowed away.

Kaiju #38 reemerged in Moscow, Russia. The Russians had no idea that Kaiju #38 even existed. Russians named the kaiju, Baragon. Baragon used his magma breath to reduce the Russian city to melted debris and pools of magma. Soon, Anguirus emerged. Baragon leapt over Anguirus, and clawed him. Anguirus turned to face him, but he was on the other side. Baragon jabbed Anguirus with his horn, and blood oozed from the wound. Before Anguirus could tail whip him, Baragon leapt over. When he landed, Anguirus tail whipped him. Baragon went tumbling into some rubble. The Russian military showed up, and began attacking the 2 kaiju. Baragon tried spewing lava onto the Russian military, but Anguirus got on top of him. Soon, their faces met. Both kaiju were snarling at each other. Baragon attempted to spit lava onto Anguirus, but before he even could, Anguirus moved out of the way, and Baragon spat lava onto himself. The burning liquid charred his face.

The Russians soon noticed an invisible object with many lights. A tank aimed at the object, but it was vaporized. The Russians freaked out, and began firing all of their weapons. Soon, one of the missiles hit the invisible object, and it came out of camouflage. More missiles fired upon it. The UFO fired back, but after being hit by 38 missiles, it was destroyed. The Russians turned their attention to the kaiju, but the kaiju were nowhere to be seen.

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