All Time Low (BokuAkaKuroKen)

Start from the beginning

He couldn't do this. They were only half way through the first set and Kenma was shaking so bad and his eyesight was messed up and he couldn't breathe properly. He felt weak. He had to sit down.

"Kenma," he heard in front of him. He tried to look up and see who was in front of him but his eyesight was failing him. "Kenma, baby, can you hear me?" He could hear. It was Akaashi, it had to have been.

"I-I can hear you. I can't s-see."

"Okay, that's okay. Are you low?" he asked. Kenma nodded and he rubbed his hand. "Kuroo! Get his bag!"

Akaashi rubbed the blonde setter's back as he shook. He felt so bad and could feel himself about to slip out if consciousness. He should've fixed it earlier but he was just so, so tired. "Aw, Kenma, don't cry," Bokuto said, ducking under the net to get to his boyfriends. He took Kenma's hand and started rubbing the back with his thumb. Kuroo came with the bag and knelt on the floor. He rummaged around for his receiver but couldn't find it.

"We're gonna have to prick," Kuroo says. Akaashi nods as he's handed an alcohol wipe and cleans his middle finger and the tip of the pricker. Bokuto squeezes it gently to get blood flowing as Kuroo inserts a test strip into the meter and waits for it to load. Once it does, Akaashi pulls Kenma to his chest as Bokuto presses the pricker to his finger, counting down from 3. Kenma cries at the slight pain in his finger and sobs in Akaashi's chest. Kuroo presses a strip up to the blood and waits 5 seconds for a reading.

Kuroo alerts the others. "It's 45. We need it up." He looks through the bag for tablets, juice, gel, ANYTHING but all he sees is the red casing of the emergency pen and his other insulins and needles. "Bo, get me a Gatorade, now!" Bokuto ran to get a Gatorade, meeting Yaku half way to the locker room where he was already grabbing one. He ran back to his partners and handed the bottle to Akaashi. The blue eyed setter put the sports drink to Kenma's lips but he wouldn't drink, whatever was poured into his mouth would just overflow back out.

"Tilt his head a bit and pour a little at a time," Kuroo instructed.

"Come on, love. Drink for me, please," Akaashi coaxed as he tilted his head. Kenma was awake but wasn't very responsive. Nonetheless, he swallowed gently when his head was leaned back. "Good job, just a little more." After a few more mouthfuls, Akaashi gave Bokuto the bottle to hold and Kuroo lifted Kenma gently. The coaches had cleared a bench for the players and let Kenma rest until he was conscious enough to head to the infirmary. The practice match went on, both teams mellower. About 15 minutes passed until Kuroo checked again. It was 61 this time, lower than it should be but going up.

"Kenma," Bokuto started softly. "Would you like to go to the infirmary? You might be comfier."

Kenma nodded. The quad went to the infirmary which was unlocked but vacant. "Let's put him on a bed," Kuroo decided. The littlest boyfriend was laid on a cot and brought a banana to eat. Akaashi cleaned his hands and broke off small pieces to feed him. Kenma ate the whole thing. Another 15 minutes passed before Kuroo checked his blood sugar again. Kenma was sick of the finger pricks.

"93. That's good," Kuroo softly states.

Kenma sits up slowly and rubs his eyes. "We should get back to the game."

"Are you sure? You're not still feeling woozy?" Bokuto asks warily.

Kenma rolled his eyes. "I'm fine. Stop worrying."

Kenma was about to walk out the door when Akaashi blocked the exit. "Sit down." His tone was cold and left no room for argument. Kenma had never seen his boyfriend so strict. Kenma followed orders and sat back down on the cot. Bokuto looked as confused as Kenma but Kuroo and Akaashi looked like they were on the same wavelength about...well, whatever was about to be said.

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