(Y/N) flinched at the time of his voice but she didn't blame him. She wished she could but as long as her mother was aware how important they are to her, she didn't want to risk putting them in danger even more. "You know why, Vanitas." Her eyes stared back into his with conviction. "She knows about my closeness with the rest of you and she will use it against me. It's me who she wants and I'm going to be the one to deal with her myself."

"And how is that going?" His tone was sharp and cold.

"I have something planned, but it's going to need more polishing before I can execute it." She relied, her voice not wavering. "And no, you can't help me."

"Why not? I'm the only one who knows your location, if you send me back I'll just tell them you're here." Vanitas smirked at the annoyed look on her face, knowing he was right. "You either let me stay or I'm telling."

"How did you even find this place?" She finally asked, patience running thin. "I made sure no one could enter the depths easily."

"Doll, have you forgotten I've spent my time here long before you found me, remember that? I know this place like the back of my hand, you can't hide anything from me." Vanitas countered, raising a challenging brow at her. "Though I've gotta say, I love the addition of this sick castle. If only something like this was here sooner I would never leave this place."

The bluenette sighed, knowing he had a point. She hadn't explored a lot of this place and mostly stayed inside the castle since arriving. Now that he's here, she'll have to manage. She tore her gaze off of him to think, weighing off the pros and cons of having him around. After a quick deduction and conclusion she decided to have him stay.

"Fine, you can stay but please mind your manners. This is my home." She sternly told him, Vanitas did a mock slate with a smirk on his face. Her body finally relaxed and her annoyance with him slipped away. Her gaze softened and allowed a smile on her face. "It's good to see you again Vanitas."

Hearing the genuineness in her voice, he allowed himself another soft smile at her. "Likewise, doll."


She took her time introducing Vanitas to Sorrow, Hatred and Despair and left them to familiarize with each other. Misery was no where to be see so she went to go look for her. She tried calling for her but received no response, luckily she found her in the patio.

Misery sat on the ledge, dangling her feet over it. She slightly slumped over and hummed to herself. (Y/N) made her way over to her and sat down next to her. The humming ceased and Misery glanced at her friend from the corner of her eye.

"You have some questions, I know."

"Then will you answer them?"

She didn't respond after a minute. "Ask away."

"Why don't you want to see him?" Was (Y/N)'s immediate response. "I know you like him but to this extent—you're avoiding him."

"I told you already, I don't like him anymore. He likes someone else, and no, I'm not telling you who it is." The black haired girl answered, already knowing one of the questions were about who he likes. "I'll face him soon enough, will that satisfy you?" Her friend hesitantly nodded.

"Do you think I made the right choice of letting him stay?" (Y/N) fiddled with her fingers nervously. "I wanted to ask if you could manipulate his memories to forget but—"

"—that would require me making contact with him, especially to look into his eyes." Misery finished for her, letting out a sigh. "He would've remembered either way, with how my memory manipulation goes there's a way to reverse/undo it. You need a trigger which won't be that hard, considering it has to do with you. But to answer your question, yes and no; it was right of you to keep him here so he doesn't tell the others your whereabouts but at the same time he's going to be involved in the plan you have with your she-devil of a mother."

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