1. Broken People

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I looked up at the sky and grimminced. I took a few steps forward and stopped feeling a raindrop on my neck. Looking around I noticed a small shimmer of light, walking towards the light I crouched down and saw the stainless steel of a revolver.

" Shit ! " I heard from a tree. I pulled out my pistol and pointed it to the other. " Gotcha Toby " I hummed and held the revolver to his forehead.

The taller one was a pale white. He had dark brown curly hair, dark brown eyes that you could get lost in.

He grinned and grabbed the gun holding a knife to my neck pushing me against a tree. " Now now doll~ you can't say something like that and stare in my eyes. That's counter productive. " He hummed and chuckled.

I looked down and ran a finger against his blade, causing my finger to bleed. I held it to my tongue and licked the blood off. " That's a nice blade you got there lover boy~. " I cooed and stared up at him as it started pouring.

" Too bad it's not as nice as mine. " I smirked and stabbed his thigh with my own blade. Pushing him off me I kicked his knife away from his hand and chuckled.

" You should probably call a doctor. " I hummed and ran off.

Soon after I reached my apartment I closed the door and took my shoes off. Walking upstairs I started to strip myself before I even reached the bathroom.

After the tub had filled I slid into the warm water. Letting out a small breath I grabbed my hair and curled in a ball.

It wasn't normal for me to take a bath actually. Since every time I take a bath a dose of body dysphoria washes over me. My body lurches into a sense of darkness, fear, Unfamiliarity, and anxiety, all at once.

Ignoring my mental pleas to get out and get dressed I started to wash myself. After a few minutes I climbed out and wrapped a towel around myself.

Opening the door to my room I let out a small gasp and noticed Toby sorting through my clothes to find a certain outfit. I don't think he noticed me yet but I stood there frozen.

" It's not polite to stare you know. " he hummed and turned to look at me.

" Not like I haven't seen the way you stare. " I retorted and chuckled

" Nice to see you again doll. "

Thank you obscenephonecalls

Word count: 420

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