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Miguel's P.O.V

"I apologize. Where were we?" Ernesto asked me. "You were going to give me your blessing." I told him not turning to look at him. "Yes. Sí." I look back at the door. Héctor and (Name) where did they take them?

"Miguel, my reputation. It is very important to me. I would hate to have

you think..." I slowly turn to face Ernesto. "That you murdered Héctor for

his songs?" I asked him Ernesto chuckle. "You don't think that?" He

asked. Then look at me seriously. "Do you?"

"I... No. Everyone knows you're the good guy." I told him. Ernesto looks at Héctor's photo then folds it putting it in his pocket. "Papá Ernesto, my blessing?" I asked him. Ernesto looks at the peddle then crumble it up. "Security?"

Two security guards burst in. "Take care of Miguel. He'll be extending his stay." Ernesto told them walking away. The guards then grab me. "What? But I'm your family!" I told him as they dragged me away. "And Hector was my best friend." Ernesto told me walking up some steps. I struggled to get free from the security guards. "Success doesn't come for free, Miguel. You have to be willing to do whatever it takes to seize your moment. I know you understand."

Ernesto then walks up the rest of the steps. The security guards drag me through the door. "NO! NO!" I scream as they shut the door behind us. They drag me outside. "Let me go!" They then threw me down a big hole that lead to a close up cave full of water. "NO!"

I fall into the water and swim to pile of rocks. I stand up and look up at the only exit. "HELPICAN ANYONE HEAR ME? I WANT TO GO HOME!" My voice echoes through the cavern,

I fell to my knees and look at my skeleton hands. I hear something making me look behind me Héctor help (Name) walks but they both stumble and fall forward "(Name)? Héctor?" I said getting up. "Miguel?" "Kid?"

Irun towards them as they stumbles to their feet. "Hector! You were right. I should have gone back to my family" I said running over to hug both of them.

I pull away and look up at Héctor. "They told me not to be like De La Cruz, but I didn't listen. I told them I didn't care if they remember me. I didn't care if I was on their stupid ofrenda."

Héctor pull me towards him, hugging me. "Hey, chamaco, it's okay. It's okay." He told me. "I told them I didn't care." I said again. Héctor then started to glow like Chicharrón did. "Héctor!" (Name) said grabbing Héctor and helping him down more gently. "Héctor?" I said going to his side.

Héctor look at his hands then look up at the sky. "She's forgetting me." He said. "Who?" I asked. "My daughter." He answer looking down. "She's the reason you wanted to cross the bridge." I said.

"I just wanted to see her again. I never should have left Santa Cecilia. I wish I could apologize. I wish I could tell her that her Papá was trying to come home. That he loved her so much. My Coco..

My eyes widen. "Coco... Itake out the photo of mama Coco and mama Imelda. SlinkyDogg

I stand up and hand it to Héctor. "Where did you get this?' He asked. I pointed to Coco. "That's my Mamá Coco." Then to Imelda. "That's my Mamá Imelda." Then finally to my great-great-grandfather. "Is that you?" I asked.

Héctor look at me. "We're..." He statred. "Family?" We both finished together. We both slowly smile at each other. Héctor look at Mamá Coco. "I always hoped I'd see her again. That she'd miss me. Maybe put up my photo. But it never happened. You know the worst part? Even if I never got to see Coco in the living world... I thought at least on day I'd see her here. Give her the biggest hug. But she's the least person who remembers me. The moment she's gone from the living world."

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