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Miguel, Dante, and I snuke down from the roof. But had to turn back when we saw one of Miguel's family members up ahead. Luckly he didn't see us or Miguel's guitar.

"Where should we put this table?" "In the courtyard, mijos." "You want it down by the kitchen?" "Si, eh, next to the other one." My ended up in a room that had pictures of Miguel's ancestors on a table. With those peddles around them.

Miguel pull up the sheep's end from the table. And hide his guitar under it. "Get under, get under!" He told us. I push Dante under the table and quickly follow him down. Miguel drop the sheet and stood up just when I heard Abuelita's voice. "Miguel?"

"Uh, nothing! Mamá, Papá, I..." Then I heard his papa voice next. "Miguel, your abuelita have the most wonderful idea. We've all decided... it's time you joined us in the workshop!"

"What?" Miguel practically scream. "No more shining shoes. You will be making them, every day, after school. Oh, our Miguelitititito carrying on the family tradition. And on Da de los Muertos! Your ancestors would be so proud.

You'll craft huaraches just like your Ta Victoria. And wing tips just like your Pap Julio." Abuelita told him.

"But what if I'm no good at making shoes?" He asked. "Ay, Miguel. You have your family here to guide you. You are a Rivera. And a Rivera is?"

"A shoemaker... through and through."

"That's my boy! Haha! Berto! Break out the good stuff!" When I heard them leave. I pull the sheet up to see Dante's tale in my face. "Mm, mm, mm, mwah!" Miguel looks to us to see Dante on the table we we're hiding under. "Dante! No, Dante, stop!"

Miguel pull Dante off the table. But knock off the picture on top off. "Hunh! Ah! No, no, no, no, no!" Miguel try to grab it but it slip and fell glass first on the ground. I crawl out from under the table. "No." Miguel cover his face in fear of his family's wrath. "M-maybe the glass didn't break?" I suggested. But when I pick it up. I heard glass fall out of place and on the ground. Miguel sunk to his knees at the sound. "Ok maybe we can fix it?" I turn it over, grabbing the picture before it fell out.

What caught my eye. Was that there was more to the picture. Their was a piece that was folded to fit in the frame. I unfold it to see that the man that's missing his head. Is holding Ernesto's guitar. I gasp at the sight.

"M-miguel, look!" I told him, holding the picture in front of his face. He remove his hands to look at the picture. His eyes widen at the guitar. He takes the picture from me to look at it closely. "De la Cruz' guitar?"

"Ah? Papa?" We look at Coco. Miguel's grant grandmother. "Mam Coco. Is your pap Ernesto de la Cruz?" Miguel asked her as he gets closer to her. Coco points at the picture and smiles. "Papa! Papa! Haha! Papa, Papa!"

Miguel look at the picture with a bright smile. "It's him!" He then rubs out to the attic. When I ran outside to follow him. But that kid move so fast. He was already back outside on the roof. With one of Ernesto's record.

"I know who my great-great-grandfather was!" He told his whole family. "Miguel, get down from there!" His father told him. "Mam Coco's father was Ernesto de la Cruz!" Miguel announced. "What are you talking about?" His father asked. "I'm gonna be a musician!"

His family then threw all of Miguel's Ernesto stuff outside in front of the rest of the family. Miguel and I stand side by side, looking at it sadly. "What is all this? You keep secrets from your own family? It's all that time he spends in the plaza. Fills his head with crazy fantasies." Abuelita told the family.

"It's not a fantasy. That man was Ernesto de la Cruz. The greatest musician of all time." Miguel told her handing the photo to his papa.

"We've never known anything about this man. Or whoever he was, he still abandoned his family. It's no future for my son." Miguel's papa told him. "Well, Papa, y-you said my family would guide me. Well, de la Cruz is my family. I'm supposed to play music."

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