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***At the wash room***

Yibos pov:
I can't believe I woke up late again,how come I didn't hear the alarm(ask in his mind) uhm why did I suddenly dreamed about zhan_ge---i mean zhan last night what was the dream all about?(asking inside his head) I better hurry maybe they're starting the game!!, "Yixiao eat more" I don't know but I actually feel the person saying this phrase is familiar, so turn around and looked for it,, but then when I see it!! "Yixiao from now on you must eat more ok? Your getting skinny!",, Yes I'm right it really is Xiao zhan but whose that kid with him? Is that his son? But why is he with Yubin?,,*ring*, suddenly someone called, when I looked at it, oh no! It's zewu! I better go the game is starting!!...

Zhans pov:
"So what now? What's your dream",Yubin suddenly asked,"let's eat first and tour yixiao in the place it's been a long time since we did that!,," Really I want to!!, I want to!!, I want to!!,,he shouted softly that feels like it made my heart melt, "ayohh! Yixiao could you stop giving me cute voices? It's making me uneasy",I said it and then smiled, "but we're going right?he asked curiously that made me laugh,," ok, ok let's just eat first" I answered, then yubin just smiled looking at us,"ok"yixiao answered and after that he continued eating...

Yibos pov:
" What took you so long huh?",he asked curiously,," ofcourse don't you know I'm taking a bath there!!",, I answered without hisitation,"ohh so would it really take you 30 minutes to have a quick bath?,, I don't know but how come I reached 30 minutes it's just so quick for me!!,, "30 minutes are you kidding me?,,(I asked I really am curious how come?),,"you won't believe it? Watch your time then!!,, Then I looked to my watch but it really is 30 minutes ago, I go to the C.R. at 7:00am but I get back at 7:32am "where are they? But he is just looking at me seriously seems like he found something...." Why do you looked so fish"yup I was right he did think I looked fishy!!,," I said where are they",," they left, can't you see what time is it?,, Yes he's right why didn't I think of it?,,

" Why do you looked so fish"yup I was right he did think I looked fishy!!,," I said where are they",," they left, can't you see what time is it?,, Yes he's right why didn't I think of it?,,

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"Ok I'm sorry, how about playing 1 by one?,,"You bet" he said smiling...

ZHANs pov:
After we eat we took our time touring the whole plaza "zhan what is your dream? Yubin asked seems like a curious question but it sounds pretty soft like he really cares,, "oh I dreamed about him again! But this time is much longer and it really feels like real!" I answered to him while lowering my head,"what is your dream all about?" He asked,," it's everything about our highschool days but there's something wro...",, I suddenly stoped when yubin pointed his hand to the basketball court ahead of us,

"he really don't wanna be mentioned as always, huh?" He suddenly asked, my heart stops beating and I can feel that it really aches it hurts a lot,," so he came back?" I asked with tears falling while lowering my head,when? How? I ask continueslly,...

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"he really don't wanna be mentioned as always, huh?" He suddenly asked, my heart stops beating and I can feel that it really aches it hurts a lot,," so he came back?" I asked with tears falling while lowering my head,when? How? I ask continueslly,," yubin patted my back, "zhan  let's go at the slide let's watch yixiao playing,, don't mind him the answers will come at the right time!!,,"ok" I said while taking a glance at him again!

Yibos pov:
"I scored again",I said I scored again!! I heard him say that but it feels like I dont,,"hey what the heck are you thinking?,what's happening to you?" He asked while hitting my head it's not a hard hit but it did hurts "hey that hurts you know",,"what is wrong with you huh? He asked again?,," Nothing why do you keep asking let's just drink water",,"oh common let's just go home already it's getting hot were just playing 1 by 1 and your getting boaring",,he said while rolling his eyes,," ok let's do that I really need some sleep,you know states doesn't have the same time as here so I'm quite adjusting" I answered "ok so what another game tomorrow at 5pm?,," Sure"I answered," wait where's my jersey? I asked looking at him curiously!!,,"I don't know" he answered while getting his jersey from his bag,,"oh I get it I left it on the C.R hayshh let me get it",,I said while hurriedly running....

Zhans pov:
"Feeling better now" yubin asked "maybe" I answered,"look you'll know the truth sooner or later",I just nod ,,"for the sake of love you must be strong" I suddenly smiled I don't know is he saying it to tease or he really mean it! Then he laughed "see you smiled",,"you wait here I'm going to the C.R nature's call,yixiao Ill be back",,ok just stop crying already",,he answered cutely but I really need to go to the C.R......


yibos pov:
Here it is (picking up his jesrsy ner the C.R's faucet),, "no ones around,,ho customer at this hour? Ayoh why bother going to the bathroom I can change here" he said while taking off his clothes to change.... But suddenly the door opens,," OH MY GOSH!! ” the voice shouted but I didn't see who it was because I suddenly turned around and then .......


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