Chapter twelve

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That night, Lauren didn't sleep. She didn't even dare close her eyes. Not only because of the sun rising situation, but also because she couldn't bare dreaming about her past lover again. It felt way too real. So, she simply stayed awake, passing the time. When the sun started showing, she rushed to her bathroom and took the pills, this time less stressful. And she returned to the bed and cuddled with her again, letting the younger sleep. By the morning she went to prepare breakfast, and their date started.

Lauren decided to make the whole day a date day. Starting with breakfast and cuddles, a nice bath for y/n, a session in front of the television and then lunch. Afterwards, the younger took the lead and they went to the horse riding camp. To say the least, Lauren was amazed. She enjoyed it every second, and was truly happy, almost forgetting that she was going to leave soon.

Their day ended quite peacefully, both sleeping in each other's arms. Or at least Y/n sleeping. They didn't do anything more than share passionate kisses and cuddles, but they didn't need anything else to be happy. Like the night before, Lauren stayed awake and took the very last pill. That made her anxious.

The day came, and she was a nerve rack, still she made an effort to make Y/n happy. They stayed a long time just being all goofy and smiley to each other. In the afternoon they had a visit from Camila, mostly so Lauren and her old best friend would talk. Very unfortunately, Camila brought the sad news that Ally couldn't do anything else. There was no other way. Lauren would have to let go.

That broke the ghost, who cried. Then Y/n came and both of them comforted her, despite Y/n not knowing the truth. After Lauren was calm, Camila left, just so the two could have a few last moments together. The woman was panicking on the inside.

"I'm sorry I was a mess." Lauren apologised, looking over to the window of the living room. The afternoon was slowly but surely coming to an end. "I didn't mean to ruin the afternoon like that..."

"I've told you, you can cry with me." She caressed her hair. "I don't mind, I want you good after all, it will be my pleasure to be the one making you smile again."

Lauren sniffed and looked at her again, smiling. "You don't even have to try hard."

"That makes it better." She bopped her nose and hugged her. "What made you all break Lauren?" She asked with a soft tone of voice.

"Just... A thought." She mumbled and looked over to the window.

Y/n's fingers gently caressed her cheek before she made Lauren face her. "Look at me."

Lauren closed her eyes before facing her. "Yes?" She managed a small sad smile.

"I care about you Lauren, just if you need to cry or scream or kill someone." She tried to cheer up the mood. "I'm here for you, alright?"

The woman smiled more and hugged her. "You are so precious."

"Only for your beautiful self." She kissed her cheek.

"I love you." She whispered very low and looked away

Y/n made the ghost face her again and kissed her lips gently, closing her eyes for a second. "I love you too."

"Y-you.. Do?" She asked, getting even more sad.

"I do, I love you." She leaned against her joining their foreheads.

"In so little time I made you fall for me." She whispered and closed her eyes, cupping her cheeks and caressing them.

"You are so wonderful, I didn't think you had a hard time or did you?" Y/n cuddled her more.

"I didn't." She was honest. "And I couldn't be more happy for what I've accomplished."

"You are making it sound like it's a big thing."

"For me, it is." She looked at her. "Isn't it for you?"

"You were my first kiss." She smiled embarrassed. "My first crush and my first love." She faced her. "Will you be my first time?"

"Maybe." She answered with a warm smile. "I'm glad I was your first everything, and I'm happy I made you the happiest."

Y/n kissed her lips gently. "I have a present for you." She moved away.

"You do?" She sighed. "What is it?"

"It's a surprise." She winked at her and stood up. "I will be right back." She walked to her room

Lauren smiled more. However her smile faded as it went to the window. The sun was going down slowly, meaning her time was fading away. At first, she thought she would have to leave during the night, but things didn't go that way.

Lauren felt her body weird, and as she turned around she noticed her hand going through a pillow. Immediately she widened her eyes and jumped, standing up. Her breathing quickened and she started panicking. The time was coming, but faster than she hoped. The tears on her eyes formed and she ran to the kitchen, desperately looking for something to write with. Fortunately enough, she found a pen, but didn't have enough time to go look for a paper. The woman got to the closest napkin, feeling herself fade away. She scribbled down, but before she could finish, the pen fell on the ground and her hand passed through the table. Tears rolled down and she sobbed low. Her time had come to an end.

I'm sorry, I love yo

From the bedroom, Y/n returned to the living room, she had a smile on her face and was rather excited and nervous at the same time. The woman stopped once she saw Lauren nowhere in the room. Her gaze passed slowly, noticing the last rays of sun had disappeared already. Even so, the woman simply frowned a little and looked around for the woman again.

"Lauren?" She called loudly.

The house was completely empty, no sound would come. Her cat Luna was asleep and the raven one was now gone, even if the owner of the place wasn't aware of that. Having the feeling something was wrong, Y/n walked first to the kitchen, no one was there, it was empty of course. She did notice the pen and picked it up, putting both the pen and the small black box right next to the napkin, which she didn't notice had something written on it.

With her heart beating fast, in a very worried way, Y/n ran to the hallway. "Lauren." She called again loudly checking everywhere, but of course she couldn't find the ghost. "No... No, no, no." She started mumbling quickly and ran to the front door. Her thoughts told her the other woman simply left, so without even closing the door, she ran to the stair and went down to the street, looking around quickly trying to spit any sign of the raven woman.


After a few minutes, feeling her heart hurting, and tears in her eyes, Y/n returned home again. The front door was closed, and the woman rested her head against it before she turned around and let herself slide down. Tears rolled down her cheek quickly, her gut was telling her it wasn't a joke, and she believed it, Lauren was gone and that just destroyed her world.

On the spirits world, Lauren watched. At first, her heart, the rest of it, was broken into millions of pieces. She watched her lover look for her, she watched Y/n break. In front of her, Lauren, invisible, kneeled down. The tears on her eyes came rolling down again and she sobbed hard. As if the dream didn't damage her enough, that was ten times worse and was devastating. Her whole body was hurting from emotional pain, she screamed and shouted from the bottom of her lungs, she even tried to touch Y/n and hold her, telling her that she would find a way.

But the truth was that... Lauren didn't know if she would ever come back. Perhaps that was the last time they were together, and now, again, Lauren would watch her lover grow old, get married, have kids and die.

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