Chapter eight

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After a few minutes, the younger one finally took the thermometer out and checked the temperature. A frown formed on her face before she looked at Lauren, but her gaze switched back between the two a few times.

"Hm... Is everything alright?" The ghost raised an eyebrow with the constant gaze switching. Y/n simply showed her the temperature which was none. Lauren blinked a few times. "That's... Probably broken."

"I bought it last week."

"But I couldn't possibly not have temperature, that makes zero sense." She chuckled nervously.

"It literally says zero Lauren."

"And do you believe that?"

"Well..." She looked at the thermometer again before facing her. "You are cold but you are alive."

"See, I am very much alive." She nodded. "Yeah, couldn't be more alive."

"But you are cold." She sat down and put the device away.

"But I'm fine. I've always been cold, trust me. You can ask Camila."

"I trust you." The younger woman cuddled back with her.

"Thank you." She cuddled back. "Out of curiosity, where are you going while I hang out with Camila?"

"I have to meet this guy Dinah set me up with." She struggled.

Lauren became serious. "Why do you have to go?"

"So I won't be rude." She faced her.

"Do you wanna go?"

"Not really." She was honest. "But at the same time I don't want to leave him hanging or make Dinah mad you know."

Lauren hummed. "I don't want you to go alone with a stranger, I don't want you to get hurt." She grumbled, jealous and upset.

"You are a stranger." Y/n pointed out and giggled. "Besides, I know how to take care of myself." She assured, even if it wasn't completely true.

"But what if he is a jerk and he does something bad to you? I'm concerned..."

"Then you will have the pleasure to kick his butt and then make me feel super happy."

"I certainly will." She assured firmly. "But... He also might be nice, and you fall for him."

"Wouldn't you fight for me?" Y/n gave her a charming smile.

"I would!" She replied with no hesitation, determined. "I could win you over any guy anyways."

"Exactly, I couldn't agree more, so, you don't need to worry." She pecked her lips gently.

Lauren smiled and kissed her lips gently. "You already love me."

"Don't be cocky! I like you, it's different." She mumbled shyly and hid her face against her neck.

The woman chuckled lightly. "I'm sorry, I'm messing with you."

"You are the one who loves me anyways."

"I like you, not love you yet." She defended herself fast.

"Yeah?" She faced her. "So if I actually end up liking the guy and decide to stay over on his house, you are alright with it?" She asked to provoke her.

Lauren became serious. "No."

"Why not?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Because you are coming home."

"He might be nice, win me over with his charm and then he invites me and I say yes. He got to his play and maybe watched Netflix and chill." She mumbled thinking and teasing the older even more

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