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Taeyong had managed to get the three girls into the car after his breakdown with Jia that took an hour or so to finally settle down

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Taeyong had managed to get the three girls into the car after his breakdown with Jia that took an hour or so to finally settle down. Jia was sat in the back with the two twins and Ten was sat with Taeyong in the front as Ten wanted to witness the happy reunion. The girl felt nervousness take hold of the cells in her body as they drove along the countryside which she had missed being in Thailand for the past year.  Her hand subconsciously went to her neck to find the pendant that wasn't there, she sighed realising that she hadn't had it with her for a whole year now but she still had that habit.

"Taeyong...how has my Lele been?"

She choked out as her words were lodged in her throat, she didn't want to hear that he moved on from her- anything but that. Her mind spiralled out of control as the negative thoughts began to reach the surface- brutally attacking her already crushed heart.

"He went completely downhill after you disappeared, he didn't believe note for one second...He still goes out of his way to look for you... we all did...we all missed you, nothing has been the same without you, Ji..."

Her heart stung with sadness, but now a euphoric sadness, they had missed her and had been looking for her all this time but at the same time she felt guilty for their sadness. Her head in her hands, her attention went back out of the car window again, feeling slightly less nervous but more desperation to see him once again.

"I generally started to think I would never see you guys again...I-I thought I-I would-"

She broke down yet again, thick depressing sobs filled the silent car as she let them out from her agonising broken heart that was slightly less broken than before.


She wailed before Hyo and Soo pulled her into a group hug as she choked out hard sobs. Taeyong on the other hand felt his heartbreak at the sight, he couldn't imagine him and Soyoung being in this situation- He had felt something similar when they had to separate for stakeout missions but nothing quite as painful as this, especially since the couple had been put through so much already.


Jia's sobs slowly ceased as they pulled up to the familiar mansion that she had longed to see again. She had missed it dearly as so many great memories washed through her mind. They drove slowly up the long drive, her heart tugged while her puffed red shot eyes began to brimmed with tears yet again.

The first person she saw was the Maknae sitting on the doorstep, He had died his hair black and it was cut shorter than she last saw it. He was dressed in a grey baggy hoodie and some black ripped jeans but his face hadn't changed one bit which made the girl smile.

Taeyong was the first to exit the car as he told the twins to follow him, making Jia a bit on edge as to why he wanted to have her wait in the car. But as they got out while Taeyong spoke to Jisung, which she couldn't hear a single word of because the car was soundproof from the inside and out, her mind clicked to the conclusion.

She gaped the window, allowing the younger males sobs to travel inside the car.

"So he's their older brother, that's adorable."

Jia spoke softly.

"Yeah, Taeyong had me searching for them for five whole years, I just couldn't find them until a week ago while I was going through the adduction sheet. But I'm glad the search was successful in the end."

Ten replied as the girl watched the three Park siblings cry in each others embrace. Jia felt a nostalgic feeling tug at her heart before it nestled itself in her heart fully. She had never felt this kind of feeling before, it was foreign to her senses but nevertheless, she felt her heart pound as she knew who was yet to come through those doors.

And then as if he knew her thoughts, came out of the house before coming to a stop at the sight of the Park siblings having their long-awaited reunion. Her heart could have sobbed tears of its own if it were a personified object, but her eyes lined with thick tears as she took in his features within the confinements of Taeyongs blackout car.

His hair was dyed blonde and it overhung his eyes softly, His cheekbones were slight more defined due to losing a little weight to his mental health. He was dressed in a thin plain white top with navy blue jeans that were slightly baggy on his calves.

But what really stood out to her was the new lip piercing that adorned his plump lower lip and the inked letters on his right wrist.

'Qin Jia'

It was written in simple Mandarin and it was very small from where the girl was sitting but she was still able to make out what it said. It was accompanied by a small purple heart that made her own heart flutter.

'He still loves me, after all, this time'

"What are you waiting for then? I wanna film it and my battery is about to die."

Ten whined from the front seat making the girl giggle softly before taking a deep shaky breath and placing her hand on the cold metal of the car door handle. She pulled it to and gave the door a push, accidentally pushing it wide open making his attention being pulled to the car.

Her heart began to thump in her chest, her breathing rapidly sped up while she pushed herself out of the car, creating a lump in her throat. Her eyes subconsciously fell onto his and took refuge in his hazel orbs that she had longed to see for what felt like eternity.

His eyes were swallowed up with shock as she closed the car door, coming more into his view.

Half of him felt like she was just a figment of his imagination.


🥺🥺🥺They finally meet after so long 🐬🐬🐬

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🥺🥺🥺They finally meet after so long

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