"And is the nuisance gay, Ivan?"

"I saw him staring at you in the first period this morning"

"Best morning ever and he was probably silently planning my death he sure hates me enough to commit murder"

"He wasn't looking at you like that but the other way when your curious about someone"

"Been looking at him the same way but all that's left is anger and pure rage and I think we're both high cause I strangely saw him with grey eyes this morning nothing like the poop color brown he has now"

"Poop color eye, his brain id probably filled with shit" Ivan laughed to himself and the rest of our friends around the table stared at him.

"It wasn't that gunny of a counter my friend" I patted him on the shoulder as the waiter brought my lunch off and I cut a piece of the stake.

"It wasn't that lame"

"Yes it was" Elaine the blunt savage of the group said looking up from her phone, you knew it was serious as she was usually quiet.

"Besides the point, you doing it or not?" Ivan pushed.

"I think you should before the low life gets too cocky," Bruce said in agreement.

"Exactly we need to clearly show the class difference before his head inflates."

They all nodded.

I took a few more bites of my lunch then the bell rang and I ran off to my afternoon AP classes. They yelled after me, I said I would think about it, his comment about money being my personality did not sit well with me.

I went over to the AP building for class clearing him out of my head.

But completely forgot we were in the same class and he sat exactly in front of me, what are the odds, the universe playing hopscotch with my life, I swear to God.

Mathieu's POV:

I sneezed to class guess those rich kids can't get me off their minds.

Then as if the universe said 'why just think when you can see him and he walked through the door. To say I was shocked was an understatement. My sneeze went back down and we stared at each other in shock.

"You going to just stand there Mr. Queen and not Join the class" Mr, Bailey the homeroom teacher for the highly A.P classes. You had to be crazy smart to get in here or hella rich since Leo is here.

He walked over to his seat which by some invisible power was right beside me, the universe is cracking some serious jokes and it isn't funny. Mr. Bailey ran over what was expected of us here which wasn't long since there were like 6 of us in the class as I said crazy smart or hell a rich to be here and 5 out of six of us were hella smart.

"Okay so let's elect a class president, any volunteers?" Sir asked.

Just pick Rich Kid and get this over with.

A rich kid and a girl at the back raised her hand. They got five minutes to introduce themselves and why we should vote for them and Leo seemed pretty convincing, pretty charismatic. We voted and no shocker Leo won by 3 votes and I was the one who didn't vote for him.

"Our top student is class president, you sure you'll didn't vote for him for his grades" Mr. Bailey joked.

"Or because he's loaded, "I said under my breath earning a glare from Rich Kid but I could care less, I've had enough rich privilege bullshit.

The day continued like this and the rich kid surprisingly had something in his head and talked a lot more than he did in regular classes, Shocker, royalty socialized with us and even leaned a pencil which I was sure was cut from some rare tree.

The bell rang and the class was over and it was time to leave but he pulled me into a corner stopping me.

"Do you have a problem with me?"

"Oh my God was it that obvious"

"As bright as day, may I know why?"

"Using figures of speech do you even know what it means?"

"You think I paid my way over here"

"Didn't you?"

"My dad built here yes but do you think they would put me in APs knowing I would fail, we learning Harvard level stuff here, I'm not stupid"

"You aren't?"

"A lot coming from Mr . Second place"

"At least Mr . Second doesn't use the money to get everything he wants screwing everyone else over"

"You listen here and you listen closely I earned my place here and plan to graduate at the top of this class"

"You sure you know the difference between top and bottom"

"Talking to you is a waste of brain cells"

"You have those"

He let go of my color and walked away infuriated, he was cute like an angry little chipmunk, Theodore, maybe?

Leonardo's POV:

I left angrily stomping to the parking lot calling my driver and Ivan had drama club, I slammed the door infuriated and my driver drove off. He stayed quiet as he read the mood waiting for me to start my rant. I would when at the house so I could tell all the staff about how bad my day was.

Rug Rat

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