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Matilda's POV
Its exactly Thursday 12th November 2021 this is exactly the day I've been waiting for. The day of Matilda's great liberation. I woke up very early at 2:00 am so that no body would suspect my exit. I had packed all my belongings into a small bag last night but I decided not to take the metallic box along.
FLASHBACK;  Its exactly 10:00pm .The hassle and bustle of the household had come to a halt. Matilda sneaks out of her room to clear the coast ways .she unlocks the grand doors that led to the main exit of the house. In her room Matilda after packing all her cloths took a close stair at the metallic box infront of her.As she leaned against the wall ,two things were in mind. As to whether she should take the box along to make millions of money or she should go empty handed to strive for her future. She remembered a sermon her pastor gave one time at church that; we may be tempted in this life severally to deviate from  God's path but if we are diligent enough to  follow his path victory will be rest assured. Matilda decides to leave the box filled with all the minerals in this world in the house. She realises that if God was to be her guide in this bold step of hers then she must be honest .

Matilda decides to take the back door so that no one would notice her.As she stepped outside the whether was very cold ,the clouds were grey and it looked like a serious downpour was approaching. As she was about to open the giant gates of the house she heard a very loud and furious voice calling her name which caused her to halt. She turned round to see her dad and her entire family standing at the balcony .

MR.FRANCIS; Ewura where in this world do you think you're going. Have you lost it...

MATILDA; I'm leaving dad I'm leaving your unbearable territory for good. Imy tired of your arcaic tales on educating a female. You've denied me of education since my childhood. I've been trained to work and serve every living creature in this house like a forsaken slave even up till now and I'm not going to stay hear anymore. I'm out!! ....Mr. Francis I'm out for good....
Matilda makes her way out of the gates.

Mr. FRANCIS ; Ewura!!!!... Stop right there ...... don't move an inch. You are such a disappointment to this entire family you are an ungrateful child. Of all the training we've given you.You still want to be educated as a female. And you dare to call me by name !!!!! Today you have proven by your stupid acts that you are not my child.

MRS.QUEENSTIN; Matilda please don't disgrace me this way. I never brought you up like this .Come back inside don't leave  we will settle everything.

MATILDA; Mum trust me,I have a good reason for doing this. You know that if I continue to stay hear I would never be able to achieve my dreams. I would end up like those teenagers who die due to untimely pregnancy. And I know you never wish that for me. Mum I'm leaving but I would be back for your sake.
MR.FRANCIS; Remember this Matilda that if you walk out of this house,you are walking out of your fertility. You can gain all the good things in this world but your womb will deny you of a child. You will be the last person in your line to ever have the name of this family. Don't you dare take a step out of the house cause trust me this curse will surely work.

MRS.QUEENSTIN ;Francis!!!!! don't curse the innocent child .She is just fighting for her future.

MR. FRANCIS; Shut up woman!!! All this is your fault. If you would have thought your child the limits of girl in this society she wouldn't have grown to become such a brat.

MRS QUEENSTIN ; You shut up Francis,I'm sick and tired of your patriarchal lecture about women. Sometimes you talk as if women are animals. Forgetting that I your wife I'm also a woman. Times have changed Francis so change your dirty mindset.

Mr. Francis  Slaps Mrs Queenstin with so much vigour that she fells on the stony floor. Ebo tries to lift her up but he is stopped by his dad.

MR. FRANCIS; Foolish woman lie down there and suffer in pain.

Matilda feels so much pain when her mother falls on the floor. This inhumane act of her dad kills her spirit. She decides to turn a blind eye to all that's happening behind her. Matilda takes this step in other to change the life of all females in her township including her mother.

Matilda; I would do all my best to change the story of women in this township. If it has to even take my life I would do it. Nothing would be able to stop me from taking this bold step.

   Matilda runs out of the house like no mans business.
MR FRANCIS; Nobody should stop her let her go and suffer in pain. I wish you nothing but the worst Matilda.

MRS QUEENSTIN;(in sorrow and pain) Matilda!!!! please don't leave me hear alone. Matilda!!!!!

Matilda listens to nobody she makes her way to the bus station in the heavy downpour.

The determined soulTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang