Chapter 6

188 14 106

Kimo's POV

"I'll wait here for you," Connor said, brushing his hand against my cheek.

"It's literally a two-minute walk, and it's pouring!"

"Which is why I should wait for you," he retorted.

I rolled my eyes. "Which is why I'm not letting you wait for me. Go home. I have an umbrella and even though it's raining, it's only a two-minute walk to work afterwards."

Connor huffed, but I could see him already starting to realise it was ridiculous for him to wait upwards of an hour for me to be finished with my audition just so he could drive me thirty seconds to my workplace. A pout formed on his mouth, and I leaned over and pecked his lips. "Seriously, Ko'u aloha (my love), I'll be alright."

He released a long, exasperated sigh before nodding. "Fine, but I'm picking you up after work this evening."

"Okay, I'll see you then." There was no use arguing a point that I already knew I would lose. "I love you."

Connor connected our lips in a short, but passionate kiss. "I love you too, Curly Fry. Break a leg!"

I giggled and nodded, kissing him one more time before hopping out of the car and dashing the short distance to the door. Connor was barely visible through the heavy downpour, but I managed to catch a glimpse of him waving before he drove off.

Upon entering the waiting room, my heart sank a little when I saw the number of people auditioning today. Although I had arrived half an hour ahead of my scheduled time, there were about twenty people already seated. Some of them were chatting, some were reviewing their notes and others were looking at their phones or listening to music.

The receptionist greeted me, and I signed in before I found a seat, opting for one as far away from the group of chatty actors as possible. I stuck in my headphones, listening to a recording of Connor singing some of my favourite songs.

It had taken me a long time to realise that talking to other aspiring actors zapped my confidence, while reviewing the script or my acting notes made me incredibly anxious, so now I just listened to Connor's soothing voice. It made me feel like he was here with me and cheering me on.

Time ticked on and even more actors entered the room. A few minutes after the scheduled start time, an assistant came out and greeted us, announcing that they were running a little behind schedule. Luckily, I still had about two hours until the start of my shift, so I should be finished with enough time to still arrive early.

They had finally started calling in people when my phone rang.

A smile spread across my face as I answered the call. "Hey, Con."

"Hey, Curly Fry," the deep, soothing voice of an angel said. "We need a few things, so I'm going to the grocery store. I swore we had a list or something."

There was shuffling on the other end of the phone as he, no doubt, was trying to find the list which I had carelessly not put back in its rightful place. I released a tiny giggle. "It might be in the fridge."

I could almost hear Connor's frown as he checked the fridge and that only prompted more giggles from me. "Found it!" he exclaimed. "How did it end up there?"

"I was adding milk to the list since I used the last of it this morning, and I accidentally rested it in the fridge while I took out my water bottle, then forgot to take it out."

Connor always took these things in stride which was clear from his laughter. I was responsible; I just occasionally misplaced tiny things like lists or car keys and a wallet once.

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