Cover my wounds

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I woke up with bruises and wounds all over my entire body. I groaned as I moved to get out of bed. I went into the Bathroom and looked at my reflection in the mirror.

Bruises, scars and scratches were visible on my arms, face, chest, stomach and legs.
I started to apply make up on all of them those who came new yesterday hurt a lot while applying.
After that I changed into something casual like gray jogging trousers and a white t-shirt with a black fleche jacket.
I went down stairs and was greeted by a punch in the face that made me fall to the side only in time holding myself on the nearby standing table. "hey slut your going to be late for school!" My father said as my mom and sister started to giggle in the kitchen. I rightened myself up and started to walk towards the door. "Hey!" A quickly voice shouted. "Answer us!" It was my slutty sister who stood up from her seat at the table and walked to me with her phone in her hand clenching it tight.
I looked at her a bit confused but more scared. "ANSWER!" She screamed at me making me flinch and look down not wanting to look into her eyes. "I-I know that I-i'm go-ing to be l-late f-for school." I said very quietly. Without any answer she slapped me along the face making my head fling to the side. "Now go!" She shouted and pointed at the door.
The way to school is 30 minutes long when you walk and only 8 minutes with the car and my sister is getting driven to school while I had to walk everyday.
Everyone says that only step-mothers and step-daughters can be so cruel but this is my biological family but everyone uses me as a toy. They latterly throw me trouw the house and beat me up numerous times even when I beg them to stop, I bet hell would be calmer.

With everyday going to school I get more and more courage to just jump of the 80 meters high bridge that is on my way to school and back. I had no-one who loved me or cared for me I've neither had ever a friend.

Walking into the school gates made my stomach turn cuz here would the torturing continued.

As I reached my locker and opened it someone hit the locker next to mine making me flinch and not dare to turn around cuz I just knew who it was.
"Hey piggy!" The voice said and I hung my head cuz I just knew that there are insultings and beatings right after.

"Hey! LOOK at Me!" A strong hand grabbed my shoulder and spun me around and slammed me against the lockers again. "HEY Look at Me When I'm TALKING!" He shouted so I would raise my head so I did. I had tears already in my eyes looking into his deep dark brown eyes. He looked at me for a long time that actually never happened before. "Go one!" I said looking back down. "Do what!" He said darkly. "just do it, i don't care anymore!" I said slowly razing my voice with anger and sadness. And that seamed to upset Jungkook so he punched me right in the gut. As I doubled over in pain he walked of laughing evilly not taking a glance at me.
My legs wanted to collapse but I resisted and forced them to hold myself upright.
I think this is the day I'm going to kill myself. I'm tired of this shit. Do you hear me. I'm done! I can't take this anymore.

Tears started to flow down my face not wanting to stop.
I turned back to my locker slowly to get my books out but my head got grabbed from behind and slammed into the metal so my nose-bone gave up and broke. I razed my hand to it and felt allot of blood coming out.
I turned to who just did this to me and stayed there in shock. Mina and her minions. The second bully group in this school.

Before I could say or do anything Mina grabbed for my hair and pulled me down onto the ground and as I landed there her minions started to kick me hard everywhere where they could. My stomach, head, feet, legs, arms, hands and chest.

After what felt a long time they stopped and looked at the completely beaten up body in front of them. With all my courage I stood up leaning against the lockers facing them.

There was already a crowed behind them watching how I got beaten up brutally. I gasped for air as everyone looked at me in shock cuz I never stood up after a beating.

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